Can you wear a convex barrier ring with a convex wafer?

Mar 16, 2024 3:13 am

Ahoy, ostomateys!

Charlie the stoma is 2.5 months and 7/8 inch—down from 1 inch that he'd been for most of late January and all of February. He still likes to wriggle around when he's active and retract to a nearly flush position when he's inactive. I've been wearing and loving Coloplast deep convex because the clear window eases my paranoia about leaks, but the opening erodes quickly and can be uncomfortable as Charlie wriggles. It's even worse with barrier rings I've used (I don't know the brand off the top of my head; it's whatever the holy trinity sends new ostomates in their sample kits).

I've ordered some samples of non-absorbent rings such as Ostoform and Trio and also received thinner Coloplast rings. As I await the samples, I'm wondering if it's still OK to use the convex wafer or if I should get some non-convex kind.

I could ask my surgeon's clinic, but y'all are the real experts. TIA!

Mar 16, 2024 7:08 am

You can try anything, anytime, anywhere! Whatever it takes to make it work. Here's what I use between my wafer and skin to take care of Sir Shitsalot! Wriggles. Eakin Cohesive Barrier Ring.

Good luck. I will be praying for you.

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Mar 16, 2024 8:22 am

Hi Jules,

If your stoma retracts to flush or almost flush, you should probably stay with a convex barrier. My stoma never retracts that far, but I have the same issue with the barrier and ring material degrading fast around my stoma due to the constant moisture and mostly liquid output. The convex wafer acts to push the skin down around your stoma, where a non-convex doesn't. I've gotten used to changing my barrier every third or fourth day, but can't really go longer than that without causing skin irritation around my stoma. Your best bet is to try as many products as you can; most will send free samples of everything you want to try. I like the silicone rings, as they maintain a good seal around the stoma, but they lose adhesion to your skin pretty quickly, at least for me and most who have tried them. If you use a ring, just put it in wax paper (parchment paper) and flatten it with a rolling pin as thin as you can get it. Hollister makes a 4" diameter ring that's already pretty thin, as well as their smaller, thicker ring. You can flatten them both and then trim off any excess you don't need. Keep experimenting until you find what works for you!



Morning glory
Mar 16, 2024 1:16 pm

I would stick with the convex. As stated before, try the free samples.

Mar 16, 2024 1:40 pm

Yes, as already said, stay with the convex. It helps to push the stoma forward. Regards, IGGIE

Getting Support in the Ostomy Community with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister
Mar 16, 2024 3:54 pm

A convex wafer seems to be the way to go. You mentioned you were using the Coloplast "Deep" convex wafer. Perhaps you should try the Coloplast "Light" or "Soft" convex wafer. You should be able to get samples of each one to try.

Mar 16, 2024 4:04 pm

As others have advised, stick with convex wafers. Adding convex rings won't hurt. The goal is getting your stoma above skin level. It might be uncomfortable for a while... all that pushing down of peristomal skin.

You could add an ostomy support belt. Try the belt by itself over the convex wafer. See what happens. Still leaking? Add a convex barrier ring under the wafer. Put on the belt. The belt will maintain constant pressure. If still getting leaks, another idea: Using a 2-piece system with a snap-on bag... Place the convex ring under the wafer, install the wafer, then put a regular ring on top of the wafer around your stoma. Snap on the bag. So now you have a double seal. Put on the belt or try it without. See what happens. Remember to gently push and mold the ring around your stoma, both bottom ring and top. Note: Use gloves when handling rings, they are sticky. It takes a few times to get used to working the rings.

After recovering from surgery, the hardest task for an Ostomymate is finding a system and products that work for you.

You should consider consulting with a surgeon about revision surgery. A stoma flat to the skin will constantly cause you grief, especially an ileostomy. It's not too hard for a surgeon to pull your stoma out a bit.

After my surgery, I was pissed my colostomy stoma poked out so much. A little over a year later... I'm so happy my surgeon did this. Yeah, I gotta live with a big lump under my shirt. But I've suffered no leaks, and changing wafers/bags is easy.

Nu-Hope Corporation makes many styles of support belts. They are located in Pacoima, CA. They can be ordered from your ostomy product supplier. Amazon has a wide selection of belts. I've ordered quite a few to try out. They're not too expensive. If you're active, exercise a lot: Stealth Belts are good. Google "Stealth Belt" for their website. Wearing a support belt is advised when recovering from surgery, maybe 4 months or so. It's very easy to develop a peristomal hernia. It's not proven a belt will prevent it... but worth a try. And in your case, a belt might help prevent leaks.

"Charlie the stoma" love it.

Good luck

Mysterious Mose
Mar 16, 2024 5:27 pm

I use convex wafers by themselves. Although my ileum protrudes a good inch and three-quarters, I have developed dips around the stoma itself. I have enough fat around my middle that the convex wafer pushes down evenly around the stoma. I can easily get seven days on a wafer, but try not to go more than five for the reasons Bob states.


Mar 17, 2024 4:46 am

Thanks all. I wear a belt with the convex wafer to keep the stoma out, but it bugs my back (I've had back problems for 20 years, nothing to do about them but deal with it), so I was hoping extra convex would keep Charlie in an optimal position. It's weird how he will sometimes be flush and sometimes pop out and downwards. I spent a lot of time today just watching him breathe... it's fascinating. I'm not having constant leaks; today I tried going without the belt and felt him dig under the wafer and sting me—though the wafer didn't indicate a leak, which is good because I just changed him!

I just don't like wearing the belt that secures the wafer. My mom made me waistbands with pockets based on OstomySecrets's thing and DIY'd some stealth belts, the latter of which I can't comfortably wear with the wafer belt. Too much on my back.