362 Days on the Carnivore Diet as an Ostomate

May 28, 2024 12:08 pm


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Hi everyone, 362 days on carnivore and I'm still doing great. I'm consistently at 150 to 152 lbs and full of energy, so the 44 lb weight loss is effortless to maintain. I eat whatever meat products that are on sale, and if it has skin, I peel it off first. I cannot afford ribeyes anymore except as a treat, so I eat a lot of eggs, bacon, and ground beef. I do have scarring around my ostomy from a baby bouncing on my tummy, but I don't feel it, so whatever. This pic is of sweet baby Luna pondering life and me with Luna at 6 am after walking, rocking, walking, burping, and crying since 2 am. I used the camera to see if she was finally out, and she was, thank God lol. If you want a workout, this is it lol. I hope everyone is well. Take care. Terri

Morning glory
May 28, 2024 1:15 pm

Beautiful baby, Terri. You're getting a workout in the best way. Congrats on your diet success.

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May 28, 2024 3:01 pm

G-Day Terrizjdel, you have done fantastic and because of you I went on the Carnivore Diet as well and I have lost a few good kilograms. I will send you a few ribeye by email, hope you enjoy them. Regards, IGGIE

May 28, 2024 8:58 pm
Reply to Morning glory

Thank you, Morning Glory. I love every moment of it!

May 28, 2024 8:59 pm
Reply to IGGIE

Thanks, Iggie, good job! I feel 40 instead of 60 and wish everyone could feel so good. Keep up the good work! Terri

Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister
May 29, 2024 1:08 am

So good to hear, and that baby is adorable!!

May 29, 2024 1:08 am

Congrats! What a beautiful baby ❤️

May 29, 2024 3:23 am

Congratulations, Terri.

You're a walking success story in all you do. Well done.

May 29, 2024 7:08 pm

Great to hear, Terri! I've been "mostly" keto for a long time now and typically feel it has incredibly helpful benefits too. Baby is a cutie patootie!

May 30, 2024 4:22 am

Don't take the skin off, it's the best part along with the fat in meat 🥓 🍖 🤤🤤

May 30, 2024 7:36 am
Reply to VisnuGD

Hi VisnuGD,

Sorry, I should clarify. I eat poultry skin, just not sausage casing, and I do eat lots of fat. As an ostomate, I only have pain or blockages from sausage skins and fiber. The skins are difficult to chew up small enough to not feel later, and after next to no digestive pain for a year, I am a wimp now lol. So no casings for me. Take care. Terri

May 31, 2024 8:09 am
Reply to terrizajdel

Totally agree, Terri, about sausage skins. One thing I have noticed being on carnivore is the bag is never very thick, more runny, and no smell unless you have fish. Keep it up, Miss 40-year-old. Regards, IGGIE

Jun 02, 2024 2:12 pm

Hi Terri. You have a beautiful baby! Congratulations. I'd like to try the carnivore diet if you would give me more details. Many vegetables give me problems, so I'm pretty restricted on what I can eat. Everyone is constantly preaching about the importance of fiber, but with my ileostomy and huge hernia, I have frequent blocks. The doctors have said that unless it's life-threatening, they can't/won't do surgery. I've had 5 abdominal surgeries so far. Anyway, I would greatly appreciate it if you'd let me have your carnivore diet, especially since I also need to lose weight.

Congratulations again for the fantastic job you do as a new mother with an ostomy.


Jun 02, 2024 3:45 pm
Reply to 61smiles

Hi Orfa, thank you. My granddaughter is such a blessing.

Carnivore is slightly different as an ostomate but so easy once you get going. Any meat will do, but I eat mostly beef, fish, chicken, and pork. I'm a stage 4 cancer patient living with cancer since 2017, so I don't eat anything with sugar as I'm trying to kill the cancer. I don't eat sausage casings, but that's just me to avoid digestive pain and way too much chewing! I like the liquidy output, which is probably only 3/4 of a cup or so a day, so it's easy to empty, and I have no digestive pain. My body uses the rest up. Yesterday, I had 4 eggs cooked in butter with salt and shredded cheddar cheese. For dinner, I had roast beef slices and a gravy made with drippings and ground-up pork rinds and butter instead of flour. I keep cooked bacon and slices of roast beef and chicken in the fridge all the time. Once a week, I roast a chicken and shred that up, including all of the skin. I fry the skin, which is delicious and crispy. I save all drippings and make bone broth and cook everything from scratch because I can. Takeout is salt and pepper wings or 2 double burgers minus the bun and condiments but add cheese and bacon. It's about $20.00 for 4 to 8 patties, 4 pieces of cheese, and 8 pieces of bacon. Watch YouTube videos for making carnivore bread and other recipes. You can use honey (loosely considered carnivore) and make ice cream at home if you have a sweet tooth. I also eat wieners, bologna, tuna, etc., if that's what I have on hand. Ground beef with butter, onion, and garlic powder is a regular meal, as are burger patties with melted cheese. Buttery fried shrimp, salmon, or whatever fish or seafood is on sale. I am back cooking outside on the BBQ or in my Ninja Foodi air fryer to avoid the seafood smell in the house. I do still use fresh lemon juice for fish, but most herbs and spices I use are powdered or dry. Eat until you are full and enjoy every bite with salt if you get vertigo. My son has lost 34 lbs on Carnivore, but now that he has reached his goal, he cheats on the weekends. He eats what he wants, and if he gains weight, he stops cheating and eats meat again until he levels out again. Best of luck in all things. Terri

Jun 03, 2024 12:24 am
Reply to terrizajdel

Damn, I can smell all that. You're making me hungry... 🍽️

Jun 03, 2024 4:45 pm
Reply to terrizajdel

Good day, Terri. After reading that, I won't need to eat tonight; it made me feel full. Mmmmmmm. IGGIE

Jun 05, 2024 8:19 pm
Reply to terrizajdel

Thank you so much. Some of these foods I already eat. I'm excited to start the new things you mentioned. Continued good luck to you and yours!




Jun 06, 2024 8:30 am
Reply to Axl

Hey Axl, aren't we all a success story? I think so. I'm proud to be a part of this large group of positive, supportive people who have found a way to thrive, never mind survive. I thought my life was over, but really becoming a permanent ostomate saved my life and gave it back to me. I am so grateful!

Jun 06, 2024 12:58 pm
Reply to Andrew82

Hey Andrew82,

Yes, my son started off eating Keto and it helped him lose 17 lbs, but he plateaued and couldn't get past it. He needed to lose 30 lbs to start over, so he switched to a carnivore diet to get the rest of the way there. He thinks he will be doing his own version of a ketovore diet, lol. Take care, Terri.

Jun 06, 2024 12:59 pm
Reply to orfalinda65

Good luck, Orfa. You can do it!

Jun 06, 2024 1:10 pm
Reply to IGGIE

Hey Iggie, I'm looking forward to that ribeye! I'm on the list for a side of beef in September but will eat on-sale meats until then and dream of that rich, fatty Alberta beef! I'm saving to get a smoker, but until then, I'm experimenting with the BBQ and will try my dehydrator to make jerky from hamburger. I recently BBQ'd a small turkey and smoked it with applewood from a tree we cut down several years ago. So good! My outdoor kitchen smells amazing and attracts the people walking their dogs behind our house, lol. I'm uphill, so I get to see people and dogs sniffing the breeze, lol. Take care. Terri

Jun 06, 2024 1:17 pm
Reply to Axl

Our house smells awesome all the time if you like meat and baking. My daughter says when I cook in the enameled cast iron Dutch oven, it smells like baking to her. Another convert? Probably not, as she still requires bran muffins, date squares, and lactation snacks, but at least now she eats red meat too. Take care. Terri

Jun 10, 2024 2:20 am

This came to my email and I am so grateful that you shared.

If you don't mind answering, how is your output?

I went keto with an ileostomy and my output was water, which was very hard on my skin. I have a colostomy now and I wanted to go keto then carnivore. I was carnivore for a month pre-ostomy and it was great.