How Does Hot Weather Affect Your Appliance's Performance?

Jul 06, 2024 4:52 pm

With the heat and humidity NJ brings us each summer, it just seems we are sweating a lot more and worry if the appliance will just fall off while: 🤔

Outside working the yard?

While at parties? At festivals? BBQs...concerts, dancing around?

With a date at dinner? 😲

Sitting in the heat, I believe, is the worst thing you can do when it's this hot outside.

Recently, while working 2 backyards just yesterday in 90-plus degree weather, I was completely soaked, head to toe.

Drinking water was not helping. I wear a wrap about 5 inches wide for support plus an appliance belt. I actually had to sit down several times. The humidity was breathtaking.

No wind. Filthy from cutting lawn and weed whacking sidewalks, weeds, etc. I felt something wasn't right but continued being the dumbass warrior I am. Like a dog with a bone, I was not giving it up.


Once inside, removing the soaked attire, I looked like I had been in the water for several hours. I was able to wring out the T-shirt and wrap I wore. Upon inspection of the appliance, I was amazed it was still intact, adhering with no signs of leaks or tearing off.

I am still wearing the same appliance today after showering and even today it looks fine.

What was the deal here? C strip extenders. The two belts. Taking a break to cool down? Maybe. A good appliance?

It was a freaking hot day. But a productive one. Could have suffered a heat stroke too, so I guess that was the dumbass part. Lucky me.

What did you do? Was your appliance affected? Your fix for it if any?

Belts work. Extenders too. If you are using them, = confidence. Work or play.

Jul 06, 2024 5:25 pm

I've never had an issue from heat or humidity, and my bag sticks, and I do that sort of stuff you described quite often. Sweat, get dirty, shower, and go on about your day. 🤷‍♂️ 

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Jul 06, 2024 11:02 pm

I simply refuse to sweat.  It's a matter of timing and one's to-do list.  My timing is early morning, and my to-do list is extremely short.  The prerogatives of seniority...   

Jul 07, 2024 7:36 am

I learned squat, because nothing happened 😂

Jul 07, 2024 2:55 pm

Warrior - I'm with you all the way and totally understand, especially living in Florida. The only thing missing is an emergency kit I keep in the car just in case. 🌈


Getting Support in the Ostomy Community with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jul 07, 2024 4:35 pm

Sorry, I can't help you with that one because we Brits are having a crap summer. Xx

Jul 07, 2024 7:44 pm

I've never had a problem with heat either. I often spend time in the steam room at the local pool, and it's hot. I stay in there longer than recommended because I really love heat. I will alternate between the steam room and the pool for a couple of hours, and I've never noticed any decrease in my wear time.


Jul 14, 2024 5:49 pm

I feel like my bag isn't holding up to the job Sensura Mio, but I use paste so it stays on with barrier strips too. Just going by the way it looks. I hate having an ostomy… :(

Jul 14, 2024 5:49 pm

In AZ, my appliance, even with extenders, started to come off from my sweating. I had a wrap on, and I feel it makes me sweat more and added to the leak. I try to let it breathe with just a bag cover and the elastic Hollister belt I get. I try not to stay sweating for long now. I am fearful all the time. It did start to come off in my sister's pool too, so I just try really hard to make sure there is a good seal and check it often.

Jul 14, 2024 8:40 pm
Reply to actovar9880

I was wondering how our members—our other ostomates—fare in Arizona. I was once told it's like 115 degrees in the shade.

"But thank God, there's no humidity" 🤦‍♂️.

Folks from Florida also chimed in as noted above.

I use the Seni Mio 5-finger corners flange base. So much better than the 4-corner square base plates.

With extenders, no problems in the heat and unbearable humidity. Nope. None.

Sorry you are having those issues. I have not been in a pool or the ocean yet. Definitely an embarrassing moment if the appliance weakens or falls off.


Jul 14, 2024 10:16 pm
Reply to warrior

Arizona is a dry heat... just like an oven. 😁 It feels like 104 here in Omaha right now, and you start dripping sweat just sitting outside in about 2 minutes because of how humid it is along with the temperature. Wearing a wrap definitely makes it warmer around your midsection.

Jul 14, 2024 10:49 pm
Reply to actovar9880

I cut a hole in a couple of moisture-wicking tank tops. I wear this under another light shirt. It keeps the belt off my bare skin, which makes my skin sweat like crazy. It has been a lot less sweaty for me this way.

Jul 16, 2024 8:28 am

Living in Spain, close to Barcelona, a bit on the heavy side, and my first summer with an ostomy...

Yes, it is giving me some issues: I do sweat a lot because it's humid...cannot avoid it, and it does influence my flange resistance.

I use a Hollister 2-piece, and they also changed all flanges to ceramide-infused hydrocolloid...which, in my personal experience, makes it slightly worse. The only option is to use Convatec extenders, which do not melt and keep things well attached.

I also have to add that I have a flat stoma and an urostomy...which doesn't help one bit :-(

If I sweat, the colloid melts a bit too much, and my liquid output infiltrates.

Result? I have to change every other day (I reached changing once every 5 or 7 days), and I have red skin due to liquid infiltration and extenders...on my skin that was so happy and white...

Guess it will pass...or I will lose weight...or I'll move to the north! Ahahah.

Jul 16, 2024 9:15 pm

I always wear a cover over the appliance and can play tennis all summer in Florida.

Pouch Potato
Jul 17, 2024 3:48 am
Reply to rosebud621

What do you mean by a "cover over the appliance"?

Jul 20, 2024 1:23 pm

They make and sell covers for all appliances. They absorb sweat, odors, etc. They come in all materials, plain or patterns.

Sep 07, 2024 3:06 am
Reply to actovar9880

I live in Central FL and I sweat a lot. This time of year, my maximum time outside is 2 hours, usually running errands. I use a protective sheet and the extenders, and it will still leak. I have zero confidence being outside in the FL summer. Heat index around 105°. Way higher than it used to be when I moved to FL 12 years ago.

Sep 07, 2024 3:13 am
Reply to rosebud621

I live in Central FL, and I sweat a lot. This time of year, my maximum time outside is 2 hours, usually running errands. I use a protective sheet and the extenders, and it will still leak. I have zero confidence being outside in the FL summer. Heat index around 105°. Way higher than it used to be when I moved to FL 12 years ago.

I would like to find a cover, but I wear the largest flange available at 100mm. My stoma is huge. It doesn't help that I have a lumpy, bumpy abdomen from 20 surgeries.