Dealing with Skin Irritation from Ostomy Appliances

Aug 12, 2024 2:33 pm

It's been 8 weeks since my ileostomy surgery. Over the past weeks, I've been feeling a more and more severe uncomfortable sensation of "skin irritation" from my ostomy appliance soon after I change it, mostly from the adhesive (I think) from the wafer and additional curve strips I use to secure the wafer. It's very uncomfortable whenever I take even the slightest movement. What's peculiar though is that, when I change it, I don't see any evidence of irritation, wounds, or allergic changes anywhere on the skin, but once I take the old appliance off, the irritating feeling is relieved. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks in advance!

Aug 12, 2024 2:41 pm

Can you use your skin barrier wipes all around the area where the wafer goes instead of just near your stoma? I have a skin barrier film that works on adhesives too, to protect the skin. Sometimes it is a little itchy when I first change it, but it doesn't hurt and the itch doesn't last long.

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Aug 12, 2024 3:02 pm

I've started using a spray skin barrier that protects from the adhesive because I'm allergic to the adhesive.

Since I've had a revision of my stoma, I'm having a really hard time keeping my bags on without feeling irritated, so I started using the spray and the spray works really well. You just have to make sure everything is dry before you put your appliance on. Hope that helps. I wish you the best.

Aug 12, 2024 4:23 pm
Reply to infinitycastle52777

Thanks for your suggestion. Yes, I use the skin barrier wipes generously beyond just the immediate area of the stoma, but it doesn't seem to help. Soon after I put a fresh wafer on, I feel the irritation within a few minutes :(

Morning glory
Aug 12, 2024 4:29 pm

It seems that you might be allergic to the brand you've been using. Perhaps you should try other brands. Call some of the other companies to request free samples.


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Mysterious Mose
Aug 12, 2024 5:27 pm

I have similar issues sometimes, and sometimes not. I often experience itching, mostly under the edges of the outside tape. Usually, it goes away after a day or two. When it doesn't, it usually seems to be related to a failure to shave before application. I am not a particularly hairy person, so I easily forget that step. I also get some irritation when I wear elastic over the flange, and I try to avoid doing that unless I feel it is necessary to tuck in my shirt.


Aug 12, 2024 7:49 pm
Reply to Mysterious Mose

Hi Mose, I believe that if you are itchy along the outside of the tape, it is because after showering, you did not completely dry it with a hair dryer. You might also want to squeeze out the water that may be in any ripples along the top of the wafer, particularly if you are more itchy on the top of the wafer. Later…Jim7


Aug 12, 2024 8:58 pm
Reply to Itsme58

Thank you, Itsme58, for your comment and suggestion of the spray skin barrier. Do you think the spray gives you better and longer relief than the skin barrier wipes? Would you recommend the brand that works best for you? I can probably get one from Amazon. I'll try anything at this point. Thanks!

Aug 12, 2024 11:44 pm

Have you tried any other brand? Like Morning Glory suggested, call other companies and ask for samples to try.

It could also be your body getting used to the adhesive. Mine itched for a while after I got my ileo, and it wasn't from being allergic. I didn't have any welts, redness, or irritation when I took it off. My skin had to get used to it, and the itching stopped.

Aug 13, 2024 2:55 am

Half the time, within 24 hours of a new change, I can get an irritation feeling under the appliance. From there, is it output seeping under the appliance or just some sort of irritation? Most often, I let it go and it subsides with nothing to be seen at the next change; who knows. Try this, it's a favorite and less is more; practice on the back of your hand.


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Mysterious Mose
Aug 13, 2024 3:02 pm
Reply to JamesArnod

Thanks, Jim, my itchiness usually happens after the initial application where I have taken a naked shower beforehand. I always thoroughly dry my peristomal skin before the wafer goes on. By the time I take a shower with the appliance in place, the itching is gone and doesn't return. Then there are times where there is no itching. It may be the adhesive itself or maybe hair stubble I should have removed.


Aug 13, 2024 4:49 pm
Reply to EA54

I use Coloplast or Adapt.

Yes, the spray covers the area and one of them is fast drying, but it covers the area much better than the wipes.

Aug 17, 2024 10:49 pm
Reply to EA54

Yes, I do, seeing as I have a hard time keeping my bags on and I'm allergic to it, so I have to use a lot of skin prep.