Some history on past products I've used:
I was sent home from the hospital with a small stash of Hollister 2 piece transparent open-ended 18194 pouches and barrier with flange 11204. Pretty large 70mm/2.75" system.
My first supply order I changed to their closed beige pouches of the same size.
Then I started thinking a smaller barrier flange would be easier to deal with pancaking and changed to the 44mm/1.75" QuietWear New Image closed filtered pouch 18322. This appeared to be the one I would settle on.
Until mid 2024, my distributor announced Hollister's plan to discontinue the QuietWear line due to access to supply and manufacturing.
In preparation for this, I started getting samples from other manufacturers. I also got on a couple of forums to get advice. I got another sample from the grandmother of one of my coworkers that led me toward Coloplast.
It took a little while to get used to the SenSura Mio 2 piece closed pouch with circle filter and the convex flip barrier. It was clear to me that this was the Cadillac of pouches! It didn't seem good to be disposing of them like I did with the Hollister closed pouches. Rinsing them wasn't going to be sustainable.
After that one order was used up I switched again to the open end SenSura Mio 2" maxi 11472. It was the end of the year 2024 and I ordered a 90-day supply insurance would allow. Finally getting 7 days on one setup! This supply is going to last a while 🤓
After finding so many folks here using 1 piece systems, I ordered samples of the SenSura Mio convex flip 18312. It doesn't have belt clips or the option for non-filtered. I like having the filter and I can manage not having a belt.
I put the first one on Saturday morning, 3 days ago. Typically around day 3-4 I usually start smelling it. So far, nothing ☣️. It's also not so thick without the flange!
I've never had such an abundance of various pouches! I might be good until the summer.