Changes in Stoma Output After Diet Adjustments

Sep 23, 2011 5:45 pm
I'm not quite sure how to word this but  here goes:  when I first came home after having my colonostomy, my output was more like a regular bm.  Now it's almost 6 months later and it's much softer than before.  I'm trying to lose weight prior to my reversal and am eating a lot of fruit and vegetables.  Since thats the only thing thats changed in the last 2 weeks, I guess that's the problem.  Has anyone else experienced this, if so, what did you do.  Between the stoma, a problem at the incision area below the naval that's still not healed, a hernia, I'm almost looking forward to the reversal, but wonder what pandora's box will have in store for me.
Sep 27, 2011 3:22 am
If all the fiber in the fruit is loosening you up, how about balancing it with a clogger like cheese?  Maybe that's why european diets have fruit & cheese together?
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