Quiet Two-Piece Ostomy Bags?

Jan 12, 2012 7:54 am

Hey guys, so I have a question regarding ostomy bags. I don't know if this question has been asked before, so forgive me if it has, but does anyone know of a two-piece that isn't so dang loud? I currently use a two-piece Convatec. I know it's not as obvious to others as it is to me, and having the bag doesn't bother me, I hide it well, but when I workout, it's so noisy. And every time I go to adjust it, it makes so much noise. Anyone have this problem lol? Help, any solutions or recommendations?

Past Member
Jan 12, 2012 8:08 am

Hi there Dani, I've not seen this posted before and had the same comment yesterday for my Stoma nurse. I use Hollister 2-piece system and love it. I did try two other types, Coloplast and Dansac Nova but didn't feel quite so comfortable with them........the Dansac bag was probably a bit quieter, but I still have to say that the Hollister Comfort 2 is my best recommendation. I know by reading here that they're pretty good for sending out free samples, so give them a try. Hope this helps, Colm

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Jan 12, 2012 9:19 am

Hi, just to add my two pence worth, Hollister is advertising a new Quiet Wear pouch over here in the UK, so I would also suggest ringing or mailing for a sample. Take care. Jenny

Jan 12, 2012 11:50 am
Hi Dani - you are obviously buying outgoing pouches to match your personality. You need to go to www.shyostomybag.com to find ones that are quieter and don't have that: "It's all about me" mentality that is so very prevalent in human waste storage petroleum products.

But on a slightly more serious note, I have also found Hollister to be slightly quieter, though I usually use Convatec for other reasons more important in my own case. And the Quiet Wear style Jenny mentioned is offered in the U.S. also. Peter.
Jan 12, 2012 6:41 pm

Hi Dani
Have you thought of using pouch covers? These are usually cotton and can come in a variety of designs. Lots of companies make them and they should eliminate any pouch noise. Do a search for ostomy pouch covers and you will find plenty of good ones. Hope this helps. Let us know how you get on.


How to Manage Emotions with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Past Member
Jan 14, 2012 8:17 am

Hi Dani, I use Dansac Nova and have found that they are usually quiet, but I have tried Hollister too and they are pretty good. Technically, I find the Dansac pouches work best for me all around. Take care, Ambies.

Jan 16, 2012 10:42 pm
Hi Dani,
I use Coloplast bags and I find that with the material ones, there is no noise at all. I'm assuming you're talking about the rustling sound?
Past Member
Jan 16, 2012 11:03 pm

I use Coloplast Sensura two-piece click. I use these mainly because there are irrigation sleeves that match up with them. As for noise, I cannot tell because I am legally deaf. (I am a retired musician!!!) The only problem that I have is the bulkiness of the attachment rings.
Sensura pouches are the woven type, so they shouldn't make that rustling sound.


Jan 16, 2012 11:29 pm
Thanks for posting, Dani. I have some questions. I've had my ostomy for more than 45 years, and currently use Convatec two-piece. I never thought of the pouch being "noisy". Are you talking about the "rustling" or the sound of gas emission? Over the last few years, I've developed more sensitivities to foods, and have found that I can get a lot of gas. I also use a CPAP machine, and often "swallow" a lot of air, causing the same problem. It's/I'm noisy, but I never attributed it to the quality or material that the bag was made of. I'd appreciate any comments others may have.


Jan 17, 2012 1:20 am

I think they all emit some sounds. It is just something to get used to. As far as the rectum problem mentioned above, we should all pass some mucus at one time or another and sometimes get sore or itchy. I have found that Paladin, a diaper rash ointment, is good for that.

I have a problem that I hope someone can help me with - I had granulation tissue excised from the bottom portion of my stoma. Now it is red, raw, sometimes bleeds, and gets irritated easily. At the recommendation of my nurse, I use a small piece of Sulfa material in this area, placed with a Q-tip, before I powder and spray. But my opening is also near this area and I know the Sulfa material gets washed out quickly. Has anyone else had that problem? I was wondering if perhaps laser treatment to the area would heal it quickly as apparently this Sulfa material is not helping. It has been this way for two years now.

Also, I have been using the Hollister one-piece pouch with the charcoal filter at the top and Velcro closure at the bottom. Lately, I have been leaking through the charcoal filter. I thought there was supposed to be a lining over the charcoal filter to prevent this. Has anyone experienced a problem there? Thanks for listening, and if you have any ideas or thoughts, I welcome them.
Past Member
Jan 17, 2012 1:34 am
Hi Danni, all interested ostomates.
Joined this site some time ago but had never posted anything as I thought I would have to be a full member. Couldn't have read it right. Read your post and as supernan says, Hollister have brought out a new one called Quiter Wear and they're done in a range of one and two-piece pouches. I ordered a free sample of the convex one-piece. They sent six. They are made of a very soft material and are so comfortable. When you scrunch them up, you can't hear them. It won't cost anything to try to see if they're suitable.
Regards, Lara.

(Permanent colostomy, April 2011)
Jan 17, 2012 5:19 am
Gosh, we all have some of these problems, and I for one have had so much burning and raw spots around my stoma, and yes, they do bleed. I finally found an ET nurse who tried different products on me, and I am now using a two-piece Hollister New Image product with an Adapt barrier ring and doing better than before. I find that you have to have a tight seal around the stoma as the skin can break down really fast. Also, the ET nurse used silver nitrate, and by the following week, the whole area was healed for the first time in over 2 years. I also find that there is less noise with this type of appliance from gas. Hope this helps some. Joyce
Jan 17, 2012 8:39 am

Just on a lighter moment, you could always say that you have a packet of crisps (chips) in your pocket. I think that's what it sounds like!! I think my mind must be a bit warped! Jenny

Past Member
Jan 17, 2012 5:24 pm

Lol supernan, I like your idea. Mmmm, I'll remember that one just in case. Lol, thank you, ambies...

David S
Jan 17, 2012 8:19 pm

Try Hollister's flesh-colored bags. They are quiet. Hollister #8812

Jan 18, 2012 6:10 am

Hi, I am using Hollister products for my ileostomy - no noise. I use a two-piece system - flange and bag.

F# 14905 and B#18123. I am quite pleased with this product.

Sep 08, 2015 5:49 am

Hi Dani and fellow Long Beach resident, I use the two-piece Hollister with the quiet material and have been happy with the products!

Nov 22, 2018 4:48 pm

I wish I could use the two-piece, but I use the one-piece with a built-in riser. It helps because I'm a big guy, and when I work out or any bending of the area, it doesn't pop open from the sides. Oh, and it comes with a belt to secure it down. And very quiet.