Alrighty then, I'll spend the money. And a small price indeed because there is treasure here.
Just been browsing and I'll admit I'm enjoying this and certainly by this time tomorrow I should be engaged. I like the opportunity afforded, it allows for interesting as well as entertaining threads. Listen to me acting like I know what I'm talking about. I joined the site about a week and a half ago. Had my surgery a month and a half ago. Was dumped by my girlfriend about a month and three weeks ago. I certainly understand her reticence for staying involved with me which is why I've found myself here cruising for chicks online. It's not so much that I need to be involved with someone. After Anne, my wife, passed away it was about two years until I got out there. This time around I have a little more baggage I suppose {sorry but I'm new} and I've decided I'll not be moping about the house any longer. I'm returning to work real soon and if I can go to work to work, I can certainly do this right. Right! Besides, I'm sure that here I'll be getting rejected by a much classier group of women. Alright, all kidding aside, I am going to do this. For my confidence, dignity, and self-respect, I will start getting on with my life. Thanks for listening, I'm not sure why, but I felt it necessary to declare myself and so I did. Well, it's late and I should be retiring soon but rest assured, I'll be here tomorrow. World and website beware, it's me and I'm ready. Well, tomorrow I'll be ready, right now I'm going to bed. But I enjoyed myself here a bit and again thank you, until the 'morrow. Bye-bye.

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