Is it just me or is it hard to convince ourselves that the surgery has not played a part in the choice of someone to go with someone else rather than you, eh...?
Lol. Really... 24 years old, trying to live my life fully... as I wish I could, lol. Well, I think I do pretty well... but is it just me that feels like I can't be a beast with someone who is just not aware of my situation, eh? I mean, I am pretty impressed. Most people deal well with it and won't make you feel bad or whatnot about it... At the least, it's been the case for me most of the time. But for fuck's sake, I don't know about you, but it's hard to be 100% on a first night with someone who doesn't know about it... I mean, my mind spends way more time focusing on the possible reactions than actually having fun.... (am I alone doing that). Anyway...
Am I the only one to have issues taking people's word when they tell you it has nothing to do with it but that they kinda avoid you after... I mean... it's a first for me on that. And it makes me straight mad, lol.... ARGH! I guess that's why I was avoiding what could look like a superficial person at all costs... I guess I should have listened to myself again on that one.
I know, that post is quite random, but I had to.... don't think anyone is in a better position than you all to understand that. On a positive note, life is good even with those shit. Let's be happy!

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Returning to work after ostomy surgery should not be rushed.
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Check out our 4 necessities before getting back on the job, and our other workplace tips.
Urinary tract infections can still occur after urostomy surgery.
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