Greetings to all my ostimate family out there. I have a question especially for all those do-it-yourselfers out there. On the left side of the forum pages, there is an ad for helping to get an almost perfect seal around your stoma. You know that little part of the flange that surrounds your stoma, and you can't get your fingers in there and achieve equal pressure all around that narrow strip at the same time. The company is called STOMAPLEX, and the simple gadget they have come up with is a piece of soft, moldable plastic of some sort, and it's hollow so it slips over the stoma. All you have to do is hold it down for about ten seconds, and it will give you a perfect seal. As most leaks start at the stoma where there is even a tiny opening, and this is especially true with ileostomies. After watching this ad a couple of times, I got to thinking surely someone can come up with something almost as good, especially people who work with clear plastic hose. So keep an eye out on the left side of the pages and have a look at what they have come up with. I've already thought of a few ways to mimic this simple apparatus, but I would like to hear from someone else to see what they can come up with. I know that there is no more than a few cents worth of materials in this gadget, and it just bugs the hell out of me to have to pay $25.00 for one, even if it is a good gadget to help stop leaks from happening. EQUALIZER. Ed
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