Tips for Wearing Jeans with an Ostomy?

Sep 14, 2012 3:04 pm

Have had my ostomy since the end of July. Still trying to figure out how to wear my jeans. Any ideas? I'm not into hipsters by the way.

Sep 14, 2012 4:15 pm

Congrats on your ostomy. I'm not sure why you can't wear jeans? Is your stoma at your waistline?

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Sep 14, 2012 4:38 pm

Jeans restrict the expansion of my bag. My stoma is just left of my navel. Not too high or low. It's just my bag can fill with gas or be half full and needs a little room.

Sep 14, 2012 7:34 pm

Do you have a colostomy or an ileostomy?

Sep 14, 2012 8:48 pm

Hey now, the jeans debacle. Spell check debacle now. Put one leg in the jeans, then the other leg. Voila, you're done! ... But really, I don't wear those muffin top jeans anyway. I'm sure they're losing in fashion too. Like me, wear the Harry high pants jeans. Nothing wrong with those because I look great in them. Hahahah! Really, July, I'll probably still be wearing track suit pants. I didn't like anything tight around my abdomen, so remember, just buy cool jeans that are higher waisted.
Your welcome xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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Sep 15, 2012 5:33 am
Hello kayakjan,

There are a couple of stoma-guards on the market  that guide the output downwards into the bag.  I used a ConvaTec one for a short while when I was using bags and they worked reasonably well.  

Best wishes

Sep 15, 2012 1:48 pm
Hi Kaya, I had the same dilemma when I first got my ostomy a little over a year ago. My stoma nurse told me it's best to wear jeans that go under the stoma. She said the pants could go over the stoma as long as the waistband does not compress the stoma. I tried the low-cut jeans that go under the stoma, but I had to wear a long top to hide the bag. Once the bag filled up, I ended up with a bulge under my shirt. So I tried the jeans that go over the stoma and ended up with the problem of pancaking from the stool getting squished in my bag. I still get frustrated sometimes trying on pants. My stoma is located on the left below the belly button. I found jeans by Lee called Comfort Waist Jeans. They fit looser around the top, leaving plenty of room for your stoma to work. They also have a relaxed fit jean that fits comfortably over the stoma, allowing room. I just bought a waistband stretcher to stretch out the pants I can't wear anymore. I haven't tried it yet, but I will. Good luck, Donna
Past Member
Sep 16, 2012 12:14 am

Maybe it's time to go shopping?

Sep 17, 2012 11:55 am

Do yourself a favor and head over to the maternity section and buy yourself a pair of jeans from there.
They have ultra-soft waistbands and are so, so comfy to wear.
They look great on too.
If you are looking for some nice tops to wear over top, go no further than They have beautiful clothes there at affordable prices. And if you go by their measurement chart, the clothes will fit you perfectly.

Sep 17, 2012 12:27 pm

Thanks! I really appreciate the suggestions. Maybe the maternity jeans are my best bet. Might scare those young ladies when this grandma goes shopping! Who cares!!!!

Sep 17, 2012 2:07 pm
Go to, there is the solution.
Sep 17, 2012 4:12 pm

Hi Kayakjan, I had the same problem. I now do the same as jj entire and use maternity ones (like you, I'm a grandma lol!) They're great, and I also found some great maternity skirts, cos I found I had a problem if I wanted to wear skirts that weren't of the floaty type.
Have fun shopping!

Sep 17, 2012 4:26 pm


I have a urostomy which fills up all the time quickly but I still wear jeans. I have Gloria Vanderbilt Amanda Jeans and they have some stretch to them. They are my favorite so far!!!

Sep 17, 2012 4:54 pm

I love all the ideas! I work and need to look presentable to the public. It's TX so we can wear jeans if they look nice with a dressed up shirt.

Sep 17, 2012 5:34 pm

With my urostomy filling up quickly all the time, jeans are too uncomfortable to wear and I'm not into elastic waist baggies (yet!). The best and the smartest I find are Palazzo trousers.

Sep 18, 2012 4:50 am
It's easy. You can wear them at the waistline. Now, this can mean anything as that's defined as anything, lol. You can take a look at some of my pics .... I think I am wearing pants that you can see in them. Anywho, my waistline is at my waist. Jeans are really the best. Reason? Material. They are tougher. If you have a little leak at the end....the drainable area...some might go through your underwear...a little spotting if you will - boxers, boxer briefs, etc. - but it won't go through jeans.
Sep 18, 2012 7:00 am

Hi, what I do, and don't laugh but I buy the Preggy Jeans. They have the soft top and no button or zipper. They are awesome, so comfortable to wear and once you put your top over the top no one can even see they are any different.

Sep 18, 2012 5:32 pm

I had to get rid of all my low rider jeans and get jeans that go to the natural waistline. I also second the Amanda jean by Gloria Vanderbilt. More pricey but also good are Not Your Daughter's Jeans. Also, I suggest some nice black, bootleg cut yoga pants. I always wear these when I travel and am not sure where the next bathroom will be. They stretch, they are comfy, and they look very nice.


Sep 18, 2012 6:26 pm

Good idea on the yoga pants. Those are a nice knit and hug just right. I knew there would be ideas out there and appreciate every reply that's been made!

Dec 30, 2012 11:31 am

I too had problems trying to get back into jeans, but I have found that most retailers now sell the pull-up type with a band. It's great! I find if I wear a top to come down lower, no one knows I have a pouch.

Nov 03, 2013 2:18 am

My stoma is in a horrible place for wearing pants as well. It's so bad that I gave up on wearing anything except skirts for 2 years. But, then my daughter dragged me into this store called Torrid. It's a shop for larger women but, they are not the usual ugly clothing you are used to finding. So, since I'm a size 12 I can still buy their clothes and their jeans are a godsend. Since they are made for women with a muffin top, they are cut looser in hips, and waist which is wonderful! They even have a tiny bit of elastic in the material.

I have skinny jeans, boot cuts, straight legs.... every style that I like and they all sit across my stoma softly and do not restrict it at all. With an ileo I have so much output so I was terrified of wearing anything across there, but the jeans are cut in a way that even if my bag expands, it doesn't press on it too tightly and they are cut a little higher.

Torrid also can be found online.

Good luck!

Nov 05, 2013 4:09 am

Another good place for fitted jeans is H&M's online site. In most styles, they have both regular (right below the navel) and natural waist which fit lower. Either way, the jeans have plenty of give and are sized according to your hip/waist. I'm like a 4 in misses, and that translates to a 29. You can check with their sizing chart if you aren't certain. Best of luck-

Dec 01, 2013 8:42 pm

I'm not sure that I'd place anything (especially jeans) below the line where my stoma lies ... I'm into my 22nd year with a colostomy. I find that pleated pants (especially jeans) fit well and are very comfortable.

Aug 13, 2014 5:11 pm

I'm a guy, so I have a different perspective, but I have a problem if I try to wear my pouch (ileo) under my pants. My natural waistline is below my stoma. If my pouch is tucked in, it gets restricted. On the other hand, if I hike my pants above my stoma, I look like I have hip waders on. I usually wear my pants below my stoma, leave the pouch out, and wear a shirt that I leave out. Luckily that is fashionable now, and in fact with the layered look of multiple shirts, you can get even more protection.

If I have to tuck my shirt in, I wear my usual briefs, but then over those I wear loose fitting boxers, with the waistband worn above my stoma but across the top of the pouch (two pairs of underwear, but nobody sees, so what's the difference). This provides extra protection to hold the pouch in place, and the loose fitting boxers have plenty of room for the pouch to expand. I then buy trousers an extra waist size or two (but I have a small butt, so I need to be careful they are not too roomy there), and I position those in a natural waistline position. If things start getting full, I can usually give the waistband a quick tug and the output drops below the waistband and stays there. Air, of course, doesn't go to the bottom, so if the filter is clogged, too much air requires some attention. has some great underwear solutions.

Finally, I have always thought women have an advantage in terms of wearing skirts. It seems like a nice jeans skirt or jeans skirt wrap could really work and play to your Texas girl sensibilities.

May 28, 2016 9:14 pm

Just a thought as festival season will soon be here again... only had my ostomy 3 months now (and off camping kayaking tomorrow). I usually use a midi pouch for work etc, but I make sure I use a maxi on kayak trips.

Off to see AC/DC next week... will definitely be maxi and extra wipes and stuff!

May 28, 2016 9:17 pm

Oops... typing on phone and posted that on the wrong thread... need my spectacles

May 31, 2016 2:23 pm

OK, I wear jeans; it's up to you how you wear your jeans. You should find some spandex mostly, and but the fit depends on your flow... Walmart has some good jeggings in different styles... feel free to call if you have any more questions.

Dec 05, 2017 6:26 am

My ostomy is above my waistline, so the waist of my pants goes across the bag. I can't wear regular fly and button pants anymore as there is no give in the waist and quite quickly will unstick the wafer and pull it off. I wear jeans/pants/sweatpants with an elastic waistband. It works well for me.