Successful Colostomy Reversal - A Happy Ending!

Oct 31, 2012 5:54 pm
Hi all - I just wanted to share my positive reversal story for those of you who are scared of the process.

I had a colostomy for 6 months. I have been on steroids for almost 30 years due to lupus and MS, so the doctor wanted to give me plenty of time to heal. I got a colonoscopy the week before seeing the surgeon, and all looked good for the reversal. The surgeon said he would do a temp ileostomy for 6-8 weeks to give the colostomy takedown enough time to heal. I was disappointed but appreciated his concerns since steroids hinder the healing process.

Two hours later, I awoke in recovery and my husband was allowed to call to speak to me. He said "Aren't you excited?" and I said "I'm happy, but I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm excited." He said "You don't know, do you? Feel your tummy, you're bagless." I was thrilled.

I got out of the hospital 3 days later and have continued to do better each day. It's less than a month post-surgery, and I have only minimal abdominal pain and am doing a good job of controlling my bowels. My energy hasn't fully returned, but I'm feeling so much better than I expected to.

Praying that all of you will have happy tales to tell after your reversals.

God bless!
Oct 31, 2012 6:10 pm

Wow, that's great! I am sure everyone who reads your story will smile from ear to ear. Thanks for sharing the news.

God is good.

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Oct 31, 2012 9:13 pm

Wonderful news, I hope to have a reversal in the new year. I have heard of some possible problems, like blockages. Can you keep in touch and share your experiences? I know the success rate is over 90%, so be happy and enjoy your life!

Oct 31, 2012 11:22 pm

I love happy endings! My reversal also was a success and I am 17 days post-op. I thank God every day for my life. I hope to help someone along the way. Thank you for posting your story.

Nov 01, 2012 6:36 am
Congratulations! It's always great to hear good news and just as we share the many negatives we can also share the positives and rejoice with you.

However, it does make me a little envious of your good fortune but that doesn't detract from the pleasure of hearing about it.

Best wishes Bill

How to Manage Emotions with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Nov 06, 2012 1:24 pm
Hi all - Thanks for the kind words and congratulations. I continue to do well and know that I received a blessing from God directly and through a great surgeon's skills.

I wanted to share one more thing. All of the information I read spoke of leaving the stoma site open and packing it until it heals. My surgeon opted to stitch the stoma area closed. He said he preferred this technique as it was less painful and faster healing. He said the worst-case scenario is he'd have to open it if it became infected. I'm a believer. Just thought you might want to discuss this with your docs before undergoing your reconnect.

Peace and healing for all of you on this difficult journey.

Daisy Mae
Nov 11, 2012 4:51 am

Hi - did you have the temporary ileostomy? How is it going?

Nov 11, 2012 7:10 pm

The surgeon decided I didn't need an ileostomy after all once he opened me up, he just did the reconnect. I continue to feel blessed. My pain is very mild and my "plumbing" is working just fine.

Nov 14, 2012 4:28 pm

That is great news! I had my reversal last January and everything went smoothly too. Every once in a while I look at my life experiences, as I refer to my scars, and am so thankful to have the colostomy save my life, and now have time back to the normal flow of things!

Nov 14, 2012 8:54 pm

Congratulations on your happy ending too. The colostomy experience certainly gives you a different perspective on life, doesn't it? I hope that you had good support while you were going through it -- my husband was a saint!