Best pouching system to filter air?

Oct 11, 2014 1:57 am

Hi, everyone. I use Convatec Durahesive wafers and pouches, two-piece. The wafers are great, lasting a good 7-10 days! All is well, except I'm trying to find the best filter system. When my output is just right (not too liquidy), I can sometimes witness the benefits of a good filter. It is amazing how well keeping the air out is for cutting down on bathroom trips, waking up, etc. However, from time to time, the filters leak a small bit of stool that I am just not comfortable with accepting, or they clog up immediately and don't work as expected and even irritate my stoma. The percentage of successful and clean gas filtration is very, very low.

Have others with an ileo or more liquidy stools shared what filter-based products they use that have worked most effectively? I'm about to give up on filters altogether.


Oct 11, 2014 2:12 pm
Hi JCSunshine,

I use Coloplast Extended Wear Sensura Click and have been since my surgery in 2013. My pouch has a filter too. I was a little nervous in the beginning about the filter because I too heard about small leaks and problems, etc. I have only had one small mishap with the filter. I could smell an odor coming directly from the filter, and it was because the filter was wet. Anyway, to avoid the problem, I change my pouch every day or every other day and use an ostomy deodorant to lessen smells. I like M9 or Safe and Simple. I have used other products, and they were okay. I also fold the top portion of my pouch down, where the filter is located, when I sleep so nothing spills into the filter. It helps some but is not perfect. The rep at Coloplast suggested using bobby pins to keep the fold down more secure during the night. That technique works even better. Lastly, I never shower or bathe without covering the filter area. If the filter gets wet, it does not work any longer. Hope this helps. Have a nice weekend. LH
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Oct 14, 2014 12:24 am

What products do you recommend for a person with an urostomy? I want to return to running and heavy workouts, but with the current system I am using, I do not have much confidence that it will hold up. I am using a Hollister 2-piece system. Recommendations?

Oct 14, 2014 3:27 am

All of the Convatec pouches with filters leaked for me. Related topic "How does poo not obey the law of gravity?" or "Is poo attracted to filters?"

The new Coloplast (grey color) SenSura Mio with filter worked fine for the filter part, but I had other problems with the wafers leaking in 2-3 days.

Like most, they will send you samples if you call them Coloplast at 1-855-863-3913.

I agree, the Convatec wafers are great. I am on day 16 for my current wafer, but I tape the outside edge on mine. When I get asked, I always say two weeks for my wafers.

Oct 14, 2014 4:28 am

I'm new here, 3 weeks post-op with an ileostomy. I've used the samples Coloplast sent me and I've had no problem with odors at all. I've also used the 2-piece Convatec, which I could smell a small amount of odor once in a while. The Coloplast Assura (I think the spelling is right) is the best one I've used, and I've sampled several over the last 3 weeks. Not to seem stupid, but what is the part you are calling a wafer? Is that the part you put over the stoma that the pouch clips onto?

TIA Cindy


How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Mildred Rank
Oct 14, 2014 2:28 pm

I use Osto-EZ-Vent, an ostomy pouch venting system made by KEM Enterprises. It's very small, easy to apply, very inexpensive, and it works at ridding gas buildup. Ask for a sample from Dotsy

Oct 15, 2014 6:22 am

ckleugers / TIA Cindy

The wafer is one part of a two-part system, with the second part being the pouch or bag.

The wafer is what your stoma fits through and has adhesive on one side and sticks to your skin, providing a means for your pouch to attach to the wafer. The pouch is what holds your output, poo or s* h i t (see if that gets by the censor), which can be as liquid as water or as solid as rock or something in between. Most people who use a two-part system just replace the pouch when it gets full of output and leave the wafer attached to the skin (not as messy as replacing the whole setup). Some of us who are a bit gasey tend to sneak up behind someone and vent our bags; the smell is terrible, some call it weapons-grade poison gas. The ones that don't figure it out get hit repeatedly.

Past Member
Oct 15, 2014 2:38 pm

I find Hollister New Image pouches have very effective filters - they use a membrane that keeps liquid out, but allows gas to pass through. You do have to "squeegee" it if you get stool up there, but that's no big deal. Cymed has filters covered on Gortex, which should also work well. I don't have any luck with Coloplast filters as they are simply sponges without any protection.

Oct 20, 2014 8:07 pm

Thanks, everyone! I have tried the EZ-Vent and because of my stoma, it kind of gets in the way. And, believe it or not, the hole often gets plugged and I need to fish the 'funny stuff' out of it to get it working again.

I agree, I was sad to see the Mio system not work for me.. simply due to the fact that the two pieces separated too easily. I will give the Coloplast and the Hollister products a shot. I simply don't know if I can trust anything more than the Durahesive wafer on Convatec!

Additionally, I think my insurance is a bit wacky. I'd like to potentially change a drainable two-piece once at night and once in the morning OR go to a disposable (this would be 4-6 times a day!) but I think I'm covered for 60 disposable and 20 drainable per month -- kind of a wacky combination. I like the idea of changing fairly often as it will give a new filter a fresh clean start.


Oct 24, 2014 3:57 pm

I've tried many systems with my ileo ('09) and they all fail in the vent department as far as I'm concerned.

My preference is the Convatec 2-piece. Not because of the vent - but because of how well the system works for me otherwise. I now usually just tape over the vent (duct tape - those little seals they give you with the pouches are useless) just before the first shower and then leave it on.

I burp manually if possible.

They have to come up with a better vent!

Oct 24, 2014 8:31 pm

Thanks, Beatrice... I'm with you. When the vent is working, it's fantastic, but between not working and ballooning or leaking, it's such a pain!

I might go back to the filterless two-piece and burp once in a while. I know this is crazy, but what if they invented a non-charcoal style filter that didn't get clogged? Yes, it would smell, but no worse than a terrible-smelling fart, right? But then again, leaking could be an issue.

And then again, I could eat only foods that do not create gas... but then I can't blame anyone!

Oct 28, 2014 3:01 pm

The Hollister #3344 closed-end pouch has a larger bag, so you wouldn't have to change it as often.

Past Member
Feb 21, 2022 1:06 am
Reply to Vietnam67-71

Poo in a pouch with a filter defies the laws of gravity because the bag becomes a vacuum of space and the poo can't slide down. I open the top and pull the bag into an air pouch and the poo likes that. I do not like filters at all. I'd rather burp my bag as necessary.

Jul 29, 2023 5:22 pm

I have used Marlen Gas Relief for fifty years and they have been great! But a couple of years ago, Marlen decided to drop the line, I guess for a more profitable product. I bought all I could find, but one day I guess I will have to try a filter system. Looking at the comments makes me think it won't be as easy.