Challenges with a Totally Recessed Ostomy - Seeking Advice

Oct 20, 2014 6:49 pm

I have a totally recessed ostomy...the 4th stoma in 7 years and I am having it redone yet again.   I can't even get the appliance wet or i have to change it.  Does anyone have that problem?  I used to subscribe to Pheonix magazine and I though I saw an ad for these shower pants you can wear in the shower that makes the appliance area clean.  Has anyone seen them?  Does anyone have a problem ostomy like mine?

Oct 24, 2014 5:27 am

Hey alliejmw2...just saw/read your post re recessed stoma. I have had my ostomy since 1971 and have had no problems whatsoever with it's anatomy. Reading some of the stories on this site was heartbreaking. Well in Oct. 2013 I had a hernia repair and that left my stoma similar to what you are having. July 2014 I had another surgery; it being a revision from left side to my right side and several cm of intestine removed. The stoma was fined tuned (!) so that it protruded more than the previous cut. Through my Insurance and Medical Supply people, Liberator Medical, I tried a Convex ConvaTec Skin Barrier or as I used to refer to it as the 'wafer'. Low and behold they have been a life saver. I sometimes use the Skin Barrier Strips around the edges when doing work outside, swimming. My life style before the surgery in 2013 was so great. From 10-13 through 7-14 it was a nightmare. Now, all is good! If you try these, I hope you achieve the freedom I was so blessed to have returned to me. Either way, you will find something that works for you....and I hope it's soon as I know you feel the same way! Take care ✌️

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