Best Placement for an Ostomy: Above or Below the Belt?

SLC utah
Dec 30, 2014 1:30 am

I had complications durring my first surgery and my stoma was placed higher above my midline. Now that I know a reversal isn\'t possible, I\'m considering having it moved lower. So my question is: where, in your opinion, is the best/most comfortable place to have your ostomy placed? Above the belt? Below the belt? Center? Right?

Any advice or imput would be awesom. Thanks.

Dec 30, 2014 3:40 am

Hi SLC. You ask a great question, but I suspect there's no single answer we can all agree on. Most of us will never have the opportunity to experience alternative ostomy sitings in order to give you an informed recommendation. Good placement of the stoma, however, involves considerations far beyond comfort. Hopefully, your doctor is properly trained in good stoma siting procedures. Check out this user-friendly technical article which will help guide your questioning:

Over the past few years I have seen numerous posts about leakage or skin irritation which I believe may have been due to improper stoma placement. That's my opinion, but keep in my my only credential in this arena is a fairly outdated Boy Scout Merit badge in Medicine.


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Dec 30, 2014 10:36 am

i recently had a hernia repaired, my stoma was relocated higher above the belt line. my surgeon inssisted on putting it through the  "rectuss" {not sure if this spelling correct} muscle in the abdomen. while higher than i like that placement is very less prone to reoccurence of a hernia, i went with his advice.

Jan 14, 2015 10:42 pm

When they marked me for my stoma they made me bend, sit,stand ask how high I usually wear my pants and questions to that matter to make sure none of them effected my stoma.. Even car seat belts don't touch it. I have had people tell me that mine is a little high. Not sure if it or not I just know nothing bothers it where its located.