Swimming with an Ostomy - Keeping Wafer Dry?

Jun 17, 2015 7:56 pm

I would like to know if anyone with an ileostomy or a colostomy knows how they deal with their setup while being immersed in a bathtub or swimming pool. I have had my setup since 1997, but I just haven't accessed helpful information because I had lots of little illnesses and recently became more computer savvy. I have a huge avid love for swimming, and this has been greatly reduced since my surgery. I would like to know my options for being able to keep my wafer good for a week's time. I find it difficult to do both (swim as much as I want and only have to change the wafer once a week), so is there a way to keep the wafer dry in water? Any ideas are welcome, please. I have never posted anything before on this site, so could anyone give me other free resources for additional learning information? I stopped doing a bunch of activities because of this surgery and the results of what happens from bending too much. I didn't have a choice in this, or I would have died. Thank you.

Jun 18, 2015 12:08 am

I am not a big swimmer but did go to Mexico and the beach. I tried using waterproof tape to help keep the seal and used a bandeau as a cover-up. I think it worked okay. It was more the heat and sweat that loosened the seal. I have not had a bath since surgery, in the shower I made a shower curtain for around my waist. It does not keep it dry but does offer some protection. As for the tub, I think I would do it nude and hope for no floaties. Good luck.

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Jun 18, 2015 9:38 pm

I have a one-piece setup and change my bag every 3-5 days. I love swimming and have even jumped feet first into the deep end. I have a skirt-type bathing suit with undersuit coverage as well. I keep my bag empty, tuck it in the inner suit, and 'cowabunga' enjoy my swim. I even swim laps—just press the setup against your skin with a bit of pressure when you dry off on a horizontal beach chair.

Jun 19, 2015 4:07 am

After not swimming for 3 years, because of ulcerative colitis (I was not allowed in the sun), the first thing I did after my surgery was go to the beach and swim in the ocean. That was nearly 50 years ago, and I can't think of much that I haven't done...because of my ostomy.

But here are some common sense facts and tips.... Hot baths and hot showers will soften the wafer, and you might need to change more often. The cold water in a pool or the ocean doesn't affect the wafer as much, but because I shower when I get home....I might have to change sooner...3-5 days instead of 7. But I love the water and don't deprive myself of indulging during our short summer. I'm a full-figured gal, so I try to buy a bathing suit that has an inside "tummy control" panel, which serves a dual purpose. I've also worn a panty under the bathing suit, but didn't like the line it caused. A tankini works well for some people, and you can wear a support panty underneath that too. Those never had enough of a bra support for me, so I need a more structured suit. I would never take a bath "nude," but I know many do. I don't use any soap on my skin...and it would cause too much anxiety. I don't want to clean the tub of unplanned "poop."

If you have any other questions, write or post.... Thinking creatively, being flexible about changing what you've done or not done in the past will help you do the things you've missed.


Jun 19, 2015 4:10 am

Marsha again.....amendment I do use soap, just not on the skin under the wafer. Didn't want anyone to think that I might smell / from not using soap.


Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jun 19, 2015 6:38 am

So, do you have a two-piece bag?

Past Member
Jun 19, 2015 8:19 pm

I haven't used them yet, but I was looking at the products at Stealth Belt. They have belts that cover your stoma, etc., as well as swimwear that incorporates the cover.

Jun 20, 2015 3:07 am

What about a shower? It all goes down the drain. There is no (lie) better feeling than letting your skin breathe - totally naked in the shower.....

Jun 21, 2015 4:23 am

Hey Lightbright - and that was one of my favorite toys................I went swimming today and thought of you...........However, the water was freaking cold......I did do some laps but not even enough

Jun 22, 2015 5:26 am

Went swimming again today............

Past Member
Jun 26, 2015 12:47 am

Try something like the Aqua Seals from Costa Medical - they go over your wafer and protect it from water so the edges don't peel and the wafer stays dry. nbsp

Jun 26, 2015 1:23 am

Do you only change the wafer once a week by choice or financial reasons? If it's choice, you have to decide if the pleasure of swimming is worth the effort of changing the wafer. I do find I have to change my bag more often when I swim... I use a barrier strip by Coloplast that helps with the edges of the wafer rolling..................

Jun 26, 2015 5:12 am


I don't have any problems being immersed in water even for long periods of time.

I have had an ileostomy for 40 years. I use the same system from 40 years ago because it feels much more secure than the newer stuff. I use Marlen pouches that are made of a very thick durable plastic. I use a mounting ring and o-ring seal. I use the Marlen double-sided adhesive disks along with waterproof tape. Sometimes I use a belt to help push out the stoma more since sometimes it recedes too much. I also sometimes use the belt under my swimsuit.

I can usually go almost 1 week without changing, but lately the wafers seem to be breaking down more quickly. I was using Eakin Seals and have now switched to Adapt. They are lasting longer than the Eakin Seals. When I clean off my skin, I use the Nu Hope Cleaning Solvent. Then I use liquid hand soap to clean the area and make sure that I rinse it off and let it dry off well before I apply the new pouch.

I prefer a tankini type of suit because it makes it easier to just take the bottom off when I have to use the bathroom. I just recently bought a miracle suit top. Last year, I went snorkeling for the first time. Not because of my bag but just because I am not that good of a swimmer. But, I really enjoyed doing this in the warm Gulf Coast off of Florida.

If you are unsure about getting into a pool or ocean, try it out first in the privacy of your own tub and see how it works out for you.

Happy Swimming

california nurse
Jun 26, 2015 2:59 pm

My spouse, an avid swimmer, has had no issues keeping his ileostomy appliance intact while swimming in our (unheated) pool. He uses no special precautions, other than wearing oversized trunks, which he pulls up over his appliance. He only dives in from the side of the pool, though. The first and last time he used the diving board, his appliance sheared right off.

He never could use his wetsuit for ocean swimming, however. Although he could carefully don the wetsuit over his appliance, he could never manage to get out of the suit without ruining the seal.

Soaking in a full bathtub of water or enjoying a hot tub is out, unfortunately. The adhesive just didn't hold up to the heat.

He uses a standard two-piece pouch with a thin bead of stoma adhesive around the stoma and always wears a belt, changing his appliance every 7 days.

Hope you find a solution that allows you to enjoy swimming.

Jun 27, 2015 5:30 pm

I used Marlen and always went swimming. I had to switch to a newer Coloplast appliance and haven't swum yet! I did not know you could get Marlen yet. I gained weight and my stoma is now flush, so I had to change as it leaked all the time. Guess I should get brave and try swimming again? Just put a new pouch on when done?


Jun 28, 2015 1:55 am

By any chance, are you using a convex bag? My stoma points down and when I switched to the convex bags, it helped loads. It kinda holds the stoma up like a turtleneck sweater. I also use a spray adhesive, a barrier ring (which is like a gasket), and stoma paste (which is like caulk). I also found that if you press the palm of your hand firmly against the stoma and bag area and count to 60 (the heat of your hand activates the seal), it's all about the seal.

Jun 28, 2015 5:18 am

I am a surfer and someone suggested a product from Cymed. I have ordered their free sample pack and thought I would share it with you. I have not received it yet, but many have told me their spokesperson is a surfer and loves their products for the water. Check them out at http://cymedostomy.com/. Let me know, okay?

Jun 28, 2015 4:01 pm

Sunasea: Please report back to us how this product works for you! I currently use a Hollister 2-piece drainable system. I have a parastomal hernia with quite a profound bulge around my stoma which makes it difficult to form the adhesive flange to my skin following the contours of the bulge.

Many questions about the Cymed: How do the drainable pouches close (velcro like Hollister, clip closure, etc.), durability, skin irritation, longevity - how long can you wear it between replacements, etc.

I checked out the website (some of the videos wouldn't play for me) and am excited by what I read - but still cautious about the above-mentioned questions.

Please report back to us on your opinion of the product and THANK YOU very much for posting!

Jun 29, 2015 11:51 am

I always get the extra wide waterproof stripes and barrier.

Aug 28, 2015 3:36 am

Hi, sorry I have been in Coeur D'Alane, ID for the past three weeks hiking, running, mountain climbing, and kayaking without internet. Yes, the product is great. Go to their website for a free sample kit and try it for yourself. It's free.



Nov 01, 2015 2:44 pm

OK, what's the site?

Nov 01, 2015 7:13 pm

Hi, I tried Cymex and I didn't like their products.