Seeking Advice on Reversal After Colectomy/Colostomy

Sep 18, 2015 3:35 pm

Going to talk with the surgeon on Monday that did my colectomy/colostomy, sigmoid to the splenic fixture, about the possibility of doing a reversal. It has been 10 months now. My surgeon is kinda old school and does everything open incision. So I would like to have an idea what questions I should be asking. I would like to hear from others that have had a reversal done. I had an open midline done that was stapled and he removed the staples after 6 days and the incision opened up and now have about a 1" wide scar.

The type of procedure done, open, lap, etc.

Anyone had a tummy tuck at the same time?

Thoughts on staples vs stitches.

I want to be sure I'm using the right surgeon, I didn't have any choice the first time although he seems quite competent. Just not much on the finished detail.


Sep 20, 2015 2:56 am

Hi Dudley,

Good idea to gather your thoughts and questions ahead of time. I have a permanent colostomy and don't have any advice to share, but someone should be along soon who will know more. Meanwhile, I'm sure you could find information by doing an internet search.

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Sep 21, 2015 1:52 pm

Thanks Mrs. A, I've been looking.


Sep 21, 2015 6:08 pm

I've had a colostomy and ileostomy and reversals. I've seen/interviewed 8 surgeons until I found one that I trusted. If you have doubts, get another opinion. Reversing a colostomy is not a big deal nowadays. The surgical techniques are very good. You need someone who is a virtuoso surgeon and knows the current protocols. Good luck!

Sep 22, 2015 8:09 pm

Wilski, I talked with the surgeon on Monday. He plans to use an open incision as well as staples from the inside of the colon. I think that is current.

Thanks, D


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Sep 24, 2015 12:16 am

That sounds good. It's the way my successful reversal was done. Good luck.