Gastritis and Codeine: Managing Irritation and Seeking Tips

Sep 27, 2015 9:07 am

Hi Folks


I had my emergency oleostomy 18 years ago following a perforated bowel, I was very seriously ill so took me along time to recover

The last couple of years my GP has diagnosed me with Gastritis I take Codeine which is irritating the bowel/tummy but I cannot not take, just wondering if anyone else suffers this problem & any tips that would help, please!!

Oct 19, 2015 7:59 pm

Hello se60smith.

I cannot understand why nobody has answered this queerie yet as there must be no end of ostomates who suffer from what this GP has called 'gastritis' (which by defintition is 'an iflamation of the bowel') Anyway, I hope to start the ball rolling with my own efforts to overcome bowel irritations with recourse to any drugs. ( I cannot take asprin/codines/and many other prescribed drugs as these 'upset' my stomach.  Thus My remedies lie in things like Metamucil, Peptobismol and other ant-acids.  I am fortunate in that I have always been very sensitive towards things that are likely to cause stomach and bowel irritation so my evolving  diet excludes those foods. I could give a list but it is largely common-sense based on what I have eaten in the past  that have caused problems by the next day.  There are many advisory lists available both on this site and on the WWW. and I sometimes ponder upon these to see how they compare to my own experiences and I would conclude that they are a good place to start for anyone seeking generalised advice.  I have found that diet and remedies are such a personal thing that I would not presume to think that things that I don't eat would also be appropriate for others.  For a start I'm a vegetarian but when I did eat meat ( a very long time ago!) it was only those meats with fat content that did me any harm and I really couldn't eat it.  There are a variety of vegetables such as onions, radishes, cucumbers etc. and almost all spices that I cannot eat now because they are 'irritating'. However. that doesn't stop me tasting them every now and then to see if they still have the same effect.

I hope that other people will join in this conversation and share their own experiences  with both the food and the remedies and I hope that you will find solutions to your own problems in the near future.  Best wishes Bill

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