Support and Compassion in the Ostomy Community - Finding Strength Together

Sep 06, 2017 4:44 pm

So I was thinkin’, maybe it’s all “Ostomy Related”. I mean why would I discuss my golf game, classical music, creation or evolution or anything else on an ostomy website? Oh, because I’m an Ostomate. So, when I experienced what I considered the wrath of Satan and thought life as I knew it was over, I stumbled on this site and began reading what folks had to offer. I was immediately impressed with the amazing expressions of compassion, empathy and real effort to help others in need. I was experiencing all the crap that most ostomates had gone through and just realizing I wasn’t alone made things way different. Recognizing how much wisdom was offered, I felt blessed. I am and I think we all are blessed to have a place like this to share; to help and be helped.
My life is ostomy related but not ostomy controlled. It’s a part of me like a dental bridge. OK, maybe more than that but it doesn’t determine who I am and how I will live my life. It is what it is and my perception is it’s nowhere near the awful condemnation I expected to be victim of.
It’s really OK.

NJ Bain
Sep 06, 2017 6:23 pm

Well said, Mike. Preach on!

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If you care about your well-being, you deserve more than half-truths.

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Create an account and you will be amazed by the warmth of this community.

  38,702 members
Sep 06, 2017 7:05 pm

Hear! - Hear! Mike. I couldn't have said it better myself.

Best wishes


Sep 06, 2017 8:54 pm

Very well said Mike, how true!

Sep 07, 2017 9:38 pm

Thanks for the kind words Bill & Angel.  

Now my New Jersey neighbor, Bain, I'm hoping this didn't seem like a sermon or a pontification.  I know we Jersey guys speak a different language but, for me, pulpits and orange crates aren't my style.  Thanks for your thoughts.



How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

NJ Bain
Sep 08, 2017 12:28 am

Not at all. I think a lot of us feel the same way you do.


Sep 08, 2017 10:13 pm

Thanks Bain.  As much as we've learned about this stuff I sometimes wonder if I'm thinking in the right direction.  Not even sure what that means.



Newbie Dana
Sep 18, 2017 3:23 am

Right on, Mike! I have an ostomy. I am not defined by my ostomy. And obviously, neither are you. So well said!

Sep 18, 2017 7:43 pm

Thanks for the reply, Dana.  I think some of us never pondered who we were until we had our ostomy.  Then we realized how capable and flexible we could be.  We discovered how quickly we could learn and deal comfortably with stuff we might have thought impossible.  And now we disregard a lot of crap that once seemed important, we've gotten more selective in what (and whom) we entertain and we're so much wiser.  I think we're good for each other and couldn't be more grateful.

