So I was thinkin’, maybe it’s all “Ostomy Related”. I mean why would I discuss my golf game, classical music, creation or evolution or anything else on an ostomy website? Oh, because I’m an Ostomate. So, when I experienced what I considered the wrath of Satan and thought life as I knew it was over, I stumbled on this site and began reading what folks had to offer. I was immediately impressed with the amazing expressions of compassion, empathy and real effort to help others in need. I was experiencing all the crap that most ostomates had gone through and just realizing I wasn’t alone made things way different. Recognizing how much wisdom was offered, I felt blessed. I am and I think we all are blessed to have a place like this to share; to help and be helped.
My life is ostomy related but not ostomy controlled. It’s a part of me like a dental bridge. OK, maybe more than that but it doesn’t determine who I am and how I will live my life. It is what it is and my perception is it’s nowhere near the awful condemnation I expected to be victim of.
It’s really OK.

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If you care about your well-being, you deserve more than half-truths.
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Resuming your personal and work life after ostomy surgery can be challenging to adjust to a new life.
Learn ways to adjust to life after ostomy surgery.
Learn ways to adjust to life after ostomy surgery.