Colonoscopy Prep with Ileostomy - Need Normal Prep?

Sep 08, 2017 11:31 am

I am scheduled to have my first colonoscopy since getting my ileostomy. I am wondering what the prep for this is. I was told by the receptionist I need the normal prep, is this true? Thank you in advance for any answers.

NJ Bain
Sep 08, 2017 3:17 pm


The receptionist is incorrect. Call your doctor and have him speak to her and educate her. If your rectum is intact and you are having a colonoscopy on it, there's no point in doing a prep since nothing is connected anymore. I mean, you could do an enema if you wanted to make sure your rectum is super clean, but it's not necessary.

I had the same thing happen the last time I had a sigmoidoscopy. The receptionist was not familiar with ileostomies and didn't know that the normal prep is not required. I stood there with the doctor and explained it to her. She was embarrassed but was thankful for the lesson so she wouldn't make the same mistake again.

Don't be afraid to call the receptionist out on it. She's mistaken. You could do so in a friendly manner saying, "Um, my pipes aren't connected the same way as everyone else is. So a prep to clean me out would be pointless since nothing is going out of my bum anymore." Pretty much what the doc and I told his

Hope this helps.


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Sep 09, 2017 3:02 am

Thank you so much. This is what I was thinking but I just wasn't sure.

Sep 09, 2017 6:25 am

Hi Ejbears. Bain has given you excellent advice for your ileoscopy. There is no longer any need to torture yourself drinking a gallon of GoLYTELY since there's no fecal traffic anymore where the sun doesn't shine. I was simply advised to use an enema to clean out any residue or mucus in that area just to allow sharper imagery on the scope. That practice went on for 3 scopings over a 6-year period without any problem. In my most recent visit, however, the GI asked me to allow him to remove my snap-on bag so he could put a scope into my stoma. That was new. Afterwards, as I came out of sedation, he told me everything was fine and that I should come back in a couple of years. I should have asked him more questions but he told me all that I wanted to hear at that time. Before I do so again, I will ask him if I need to do anything special to clean out the stoma before I get scoped there again. So, when you check with your doctor regarding the procedure, you would do well to find out exactly where he or she will be scoping and if any special prep is required to clean out the stoma area. Good luck!


Sep 09, 2017 6:44 am

Thanks guys for this informative post. 

Ive been wondering about having this procedure for some time now as they told me the polyps they found before the stoma could turn cancerous.

It would be comforting to know that this is not happening and if it is - I would like to know!

best wishes



Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Newbie Dana
Sep 18, 2017 3:02 am

Periodically, the doctor wants to do a scope through the stoma, which serves the purpose of a colonoscopy pre-stoma. Since whatever is left that is active and hooked to the stoma, generally they will do a regular prep, which will all run through the bag. (Luckily I found some old samples of the resealable bags since I now use the sealed ones. But I didn't feel like going through 8 - 10 pouches in one day just for the prep!) If they are doing a scope of the stump, generally there is little to no prep. If they still want the prep, you might inquire if they are doing the scope through the stoma as well as the scope through the stump.

Sep 18, 2017 5:18 am

Thanks Dana for your contribution to thisa post as it was very informative and interesting. Just what I was looking for.

Best wishes
