Has Anyone Else Had a Colostomy Bag Mishap Like This?

Apr 20, 2018 9:15 pm

Hi 👋 everyone...so I’m watching this good movie..I paused it to go empty my bag(colostomy )made a mess accidentally on the toilet ..then when I poured the deodorant in my bag went straight through the bag down my leg onto the floor had to jump into the shower 😫😫😫.. change out my bag  what was suppose to be 5 mins turns into an hour fifteen...darn I missed my place in the movie 😑😑😑!!!

Apr 20, 2018 9:46 pm

yes, i can recall many "horror stories" back before i started irrigating. i think the silliest thing i ever did was rush home during lunch hour to change a leaking flange...i was in a hurry and didnt  peel the backing off.....i got it on, paste and all, turned around to refix my clothes and it just fell off in the floor!!! i learned better to be a few mins late than rush thru and make a mistake like that. :)


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Apr 21, 2018 5:49 am

I too recall a few times when things did not go true to plan. However, the worst of these was when  I was irrigating and the sleeves came off mid flow. Those of you who don't irrigate might not appreciate that, when irrigating,  the output is akin to a a high pressure water hose and without the sleeve to channnel it into the toilet, it it's like a farmer's muck spreader. It would take hours to clean up afterwards and weeks to get rid of the pong. Eventually, I made my own device to keep the sleeves in place with a double belt.  Quite a drama at the time but with hindsight it makes a good story and despite the problems, I still prefer the stoma to what went before. 

Best wishes
