How Long Can You Go Without Changing an Ileostomy Bag?

looking forward
Jul 12, 2019 3:12 pm

how many days can you go without changing the bag? i usually go 4 but its almost a week and i am still ok

NJ Bain
Jul 12, 2019 3:55 pm


  It depends on a couple of things like if you have an urostomy, ileostomy or colostomy and if you use a 1 or 2 piece system.  I have an ileostomy and I use a 1 piece drainable pouch.  It lasts me 3-4 days.  Others use a 2 piece system and the wafer can last a week.



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  38,659 members
Jul 14, 2019 2:33 pm

I have a Colostomy and usually change my two piece every 10

days. I do irrigate though but still have some output. Got the same

amount of time when I did not irrigate. Because I have a pool, I do 

change a little more often if I am in the pool every day! 


Past Member
Jul 14, 2019 3:46 pm

I wouldn't go that long without changing it to be honest. The bags degrade over time and you'll be prone to get skin irritation. 

Jul 17, 2019 11:31 pm

Based upon my many years with an ileostomy, I would suggest that you not push the number of days you can go without changing your appliance.

It sounds like you may be trying to be economical with your ostomy supplies which I know can be quite expensive if health insurance reimbursement is not in the picture.

My suggestion is to be consistent with the number of days you go without changing the appliance, e.g. change every fifth day.

I wouldn't push the issue, so to speak. You might end up with a very embarrassing experience such as an ostomy leak at work, or in a public inconvenient place.

Take care.  Mike



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