Looking for StealthBelt Pro users' feedback

Aug 12, 2019 4:03 am

I'm thinking of getting a Stealthbelt Pro for day-to-day use.

Does anyone have any experience with this or the family of Stealthbelt products?

Tickpol (Dave)

Aug 12, 2019 5:58 am

Hello Dave.

I don't have any direct experience of this product but people have commented favourably about them in the past. I opted for the firm CUI - because they offered to make a belt to my own design. However, my idea did not work out in practice, so I've adapted an off-the-shelf belt to suit my needs. 

The moral of this tale is to 'suck-it and see'. Sometimes we don't know what is going to be suitable for us until we actually try stuff. What suits one person may be usuitable for another. 

Best wishes


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Aug 12, 2019 3:55 pm


I looked into this belt but haven't bought one yet. I think due to my having to empty my bag frequently, it would be more of a pain to use than a help. I did go out and buy a sewing machine and taught myself how to sew (it's very easy), and when I get some time, I will do some more experimenting with my own ideas for bag covers and belts. It sort of depends on why you want the belt... for support... to hide your bag... hernia prevention...? From the reviews I've read online, it seems to be a great belt. A bit pricey, and you can never fully trust the reviews... also not sure if it can be returned since they are all somewhat custom. I'm sure someone on here that has one will chime in.



Aug 12, 2019 5:40 pm

I just want the option to tuck a shirt into my pants! LOL

I have that same frequency issue. I'm also concerned that it might mask the sensation of when the pouch is getting full.

That's why I turned to the web. Better to take advantage of someone else's experience.


Aug 12, 2019 9:11 pm

Have had one for a couple of years. Use it when I need to tuck my shirt in (sometimes you just have to wear a suit) or wearing a bathing suit. Works great for those occasions and would recommend.


Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Aug 12, 2019 10:07 pm

Hi Tick,

Yeah, I hear you. So far I've been lucky. I've singlehandedly changed the dress code at work from Business Casual to casual casual.......if you know what I mean. For things like weddings and funerals, you can get by with an untucked button-down, but there will come a day when I will have to put a suit on. Not sure how I'd handle that exactly. I started thinking today about a design for a type of undergarment that can hold a significant amount of waste before needing to be emptied. It would only hold waste in the front of the thighs and pelvic area, so sitting down wouldn't cause a blowout. I've got some ideas running around my head, but haven't finalized anything yet. But I do know what I'll call them...........Poop Pants. Wouldn't it be nice to just get up in the morning, slip on your Poop Pants, connect to your stoma, pull your jeans over them, and then not have to worry about emptying until lunchtime or even dinnertime? Wow...........my dreams were much better when I was a kid...........life does suck sometimes, doesn't it. Anyway, I'll let you know how I make out with my design. And if you get a Stealth Belt, please let us know how it works out.



Aug 13, 2019 12:33 am

My two cents worth... buying one had me convinced "this is gonna be great". For me, my results using the Sleath were unacceptable. First, it's very tight. It squeezes your stoma, so I was afraid it would recess. I was not comfortable at all with it. In fact, it caused a leak. I was constantly adjusting it. It didn't properly fit over the appliance, which caused an unattachment. I only used it once to hide my stoma. I have two if anyone is interested in them.

@ Bob, you could use it as a template. You're a resourceful guy.

Aug 13, 2019 7:55 pm

I agree with you entirely. I used it once. The thing I did not like, in addition to what you mention, is that the appliance has to be situated within the belt in a horizontal position. This caused the fecal material to be in constant contact with the stoma and caused a loosening of the Durahesive that I use.


Aug 13, 2019 9:48 pm

Right in my friend. Too tight. Too close. Thought it was only me being picky. Damn thing is 100 bucks! Useless.

Aug 13, 2019 11:12 pm

Hi guys,

First off.....Xerxes.....love that name! That's like being named Thor or something cool.

Just FYI based on your comments. The makers of Stealth Belt now make one that lets the bag hang vertically instead of sideways. I'd bet a number of folks complained about the same problem you're talking about. It's located on their website under Everyday Wear and it's called a Vertical Belt. Here's what it says:

Vertical Belt 124.00

The Vertical Stealth Belt is the alternative version of our most popular belt, the Stealth Belt Pro. The vertical orientation of this belt style is there to accommodate those who have high-output... Read More ileostomies, urostomies, or simply prefer to keep their bags facing straight down. It is designed to support and conceal the ostomy appliance while providing all-day comfort. Features include: Easy access zipper, Expandable pouch compartment, 4" range of adjustability, Double-locking closure system, Moisture-wicking fabric. Read Less
Weight 1 lbs

Wow, that's expensive.........and it looks like the makers are targeting medical insurance to help pay for it, hence the high price. Still looks unusable for me due to the fact that I need something very simple to empty. Plus, I'd wear that zipper closure out in a few weeks. But it must work for some folks.



Past Member
Aug 14, 2019 11:44 pm

I have one, they are great if you're going to be active and need extra support. I prefer the belt from Ostomy Secrets. It's not tailored, but it is easier access for day-to-day usage. Once you get used to wearing a pouch horizontally, I think you'll be glad you got one.

Aug 15, 2019 1:15 pm

Time to Grow

I see wraps on their site but not really "belts". They have a number of wraps; which do you have?


Past Member
Aug 17, 2019 2:56 am

To be honest, my wife ordered them for me. I've had them a while. They look very similar to the Stealth Belt. They are basically a horizontal "pocket" with Velcro wraps.

Aug 19, 2019 6:14 pm

What I finally settled on is a simple 7" waistband from Comfizz.com. I turn my pouch sideways, place a neoprene "muffler" (from Stealth Belt's site) over it, and then pull the wrap over it. This holds everything in place nicely, while not having an anchor to the appliance, thereby avoiding accidental tugs being an issue. It is also fairly simple to just pull out and down from the top to expose the pouch when you need to empty.

Little Red
Aug 19, 2019 6:24 pm

I bought 3 ostomy hernia belts from NuHope and they also are a waste. I have different widths, they continually fold over and slide down. I had a problem with the plastic ring that fits around my pouch. It was always pulling to one side or the other and up and down. I also started to itch and had an irritation from the plastic ring. And then you need different size rings if you use different pouches. And I tried 3 different ones. I may go to Wally World and buy a back brace and cut it to fit myself.

Aug 19, 2019 6:48 pm

Texas Steve, can you post a picture? This sounds like it will resolve my issues. Thanks, Jersey Tony

Oops, this list may be directed to the wrong person. Little Red?

Aug 19, 2019 6:48 pm

Hello Little Red. 

 I have tried  three different type of back braces and all of them make me sweat like mad so I gave up with them. Also, I was advised that they should only be worn for relatively short periods because the support have  the effect of weakening th back muscles if they are worn for long periods ( apparently the muscles get weaker because they don'thave to work so hard).

Best wishes


Aug 19, 2019 6:50 pm

I'm not looking for torso support as much as I am just to camouflage my pouch when I have to dress up.

I did use a belt when I had a pouch over my fistula and I did have to occasionally adjust but nothing is perfect. At least it did what I got it for and that was support the hernia the fistula came up through.

Aug 19, 2019 6:59 pm

Can you post pictures?

Can you post pictures, Steve? This sounds perfect.

Little Red
Aug 19, 2019 7:06 pm

Thanks Bill. I know they are hot, but I also have herniated disks in my lower back and I need something to support all three of my issues: parastomal hernia, umbilical hernia, and my back. I am an accident looking for a place to happen. So it is only a few dollars and what have I got to lose? Anything is worth a try.

Aug 19, 2019 7:07 pm

Here is a link to a picture on the Comfizz.com site. I hope this helps some of you. Best of luck!


Aug 19, 2019 7:26 pm

Saw it. Thanks. Always leery about UK and Europe sizes.

No way I'm a medium. Will try large. But how do I prevent stoma squish if they wrap it so tight? I'd be afraid there's no room to expand or the stoma retracts.

Aug 19, 2019 7:33 pm

The wrap is snug enough to hold things in place, but also stretchy enough to allow for expansion as the pouch fills. You may end up trying more than one size, but they are inexpensive enough to not get hurt too bad, considering the other options. I have used these for years and am pretty happy with them.

Little Red
Aug 19, 2019 7:33 pm

Dave, do you have a colostomy? If so, even if it didn't work for me, each person is different. Nu Hope Belts have a website you may want to go there for information. Maybe if the belts I have ordered were wider, they would have worked. Try this site. https://www.nu-hope.com

Aug 19, 2019 8:01 pm

My reply might have little to do with Dave's post but I'm learning and hope to learn even more from all you Ostoexperts out there. I use hernia belts from NU-HOPE. I bought them to hold my guts in place. They satisfy that requirement but also provide for a good seal with each appliance change. I wear it overnight with my two-piece Convatec system and I’m good for a week with just the little 1 inch elastic belt except when I’m weeding, gardening, trimming shrubs or trying to hit a golf ball 300 yards which will never, ever happen. These hernia belts do nothing to hide the appliance but don’t restrict the stoma’s output. When I must tuck my shirt in I wear suspenders.
Like I said, I’m still learning and appreciate all you folks have to offer.

Past Member
Aug 19, 2019 9:10 pm

My husband has 2 stealth belts and he wears them even to bed. He states that they give him support and he chose the type where you wear the bag at a slight angle.

He states that they don't cut into his belt line and they are still easy to empty his ostomy.

He has an ileostomy. He only takes them off to shower, washes them out, and puts a clean one on.

It is worth the money for him to have this security and no one sees his bag through his clothing. I hope this helps.

Aug 19, 2019 10:05 pm

Hi, I have a StealthBelt Pro, a Pro with hernia stitching, and a Hybrid with hernia stitching, and just ordered another Stealth Belt Hybrid.

So I guess you could say I like them. I think they are well made and very functional. They are expensive but worth it.

Aug 20, 2019 1:11 am

Perhaps it depends on the body type and bulge in the side of your stomach? I don't know. Mine leaked and I was fussing with it all the time. It was the cheaper one though. I like Steve's idea. Just for support and expansion. And they are cheap.. Only thing would be sweating in the heat.. Good post and good comments. Hey EAM, are you interested in meeting up with other NJ ostomates?

Aug 20, 2019 2:16 am

Hi! I have 4 of these and they are great. I tried the professional one that has Velcro closure and can be used in water sports. I was very disappointed that it really did not protect me at all during sports of any kind. What I do like is the one that is a slip-on and is measured to your appliance type and which side of your body. I wear them at night primarily. I find it helps protect if you begin to have a blowout. Generally, you really shouldn't have a blowout. What I also like is it is discreet. If you are having a hang-up about your sexuality then this is a winner. Lastly, they are very comfortable. The drawback is they are expensive. If it's not right the first time, I believe they will refund you, but generally they do not take returns.

Aug 20, 2019 2:31 am

Hi! I have 4 of these and they are great. I tried the professional one that has Velcro closure and can be used in water sports. I was very disappointed that it really did not protect me at all during sports of any kind. What I do like is the one that is a slip-on and is measured to your appliance type and which side of your body. I wear them at night primarily. I find it helps protect if you begin to have a blowout. Generally, you really shouldn't have a blowout. What I also like is it is discreet. If you are having a hang-up about your sexuality then this is a winner. Lastly, they are very comfortable. The drawback is they are expensive. If it's not right the first time, I believe they will refund you, but generally they do not take returns.