Best skin protector films? Need recommendations!

Nov 21, 2020 2:11 pm

Hi gang,

Due to some recent irritation caused by leakage under my barrier ring, I'm starting to look at skin protectant films. They've been discussed on here in the past, but like most, when it's not directly related to read but don't absorb. So now that I'm interested in them, I'm looking around. In my ostomy products junk box, I find a few boxes of Hollister HolliHesives. I haven't unwrapped one yet, but they seem a little "thick", so not really a "film", but a flattened layer of something. Guess I'll peel one open later and play with it. I also found one from ConvaTec that appears much thinner called DuoDerm Thin......which is more what I'm envisioning as a thin "film". My junk box has been around since 2014, so most of what's in it is outdated (but probably still works just fine)....and I may try both or neither of these guys depending on what you tell me. For those of you who use a barrier film under your barrier and/or ring......what exactly do you use? In other words......what's the latest and greatest in barrier films that people have actual experience with. I can look at each company's website and read the ad copy.....but the benefit of this forum is we actually USE the stuff. Of course, everyone's reaction and experience with ostomy products can be different, but I'd rather not use myself as a guinea pig if I can avoid it. Which makes your opinions much more valuable than product hyping ad copy. So if you use such a thing..........let me know what you use..........and what you've tried that you won't use. Seems like a good idea....a skin barrier film.....but maybe it's not. So let me know.



Past Member
Nov 21, 2020 7:35 pm

I prefer Dansac Tre Seal myself. They have an off-centered hole and have a wider piece of seal on one edge, so I can place that at the bottom of the stoma where I need the extra protection for my skin. But I have used the ones you mention in the past, to be honest. They all do a good job; it's just which one works for you. Adhesive does wear off as products get older, but you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, so give them a go and see how you get on.

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Nov 21, 2020 10:59 pm

Here's what I have used for years:
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  I never have skin irritation (knock wood).  Just spritz on a bit of karaya powder then wipe with this.  I purchase it on Amazon!

Nov 22, 2020 5:45 am

Hi, Bob

Like Henry, I've used the Cavilon Barrier Film (wipe on), in conjunction with stoma powder. I had no issues with the products or process.


Nov 22, 2020 10:10 am

Cavilon spray works very well for me, I use it as a preventative.


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Nov 23, 2020 6:17 pm

Hey Bob, sorry to hear of your recent skin issues. I have used the Duoderm and it works great but kind of costly. I found some tape at the drug store called Nexcare Absolute Waterproof and used it to cover that sore I have had under my stoma. The tape sticks well over the sore and the wafer adhered very well over the tape. Might give that skin some much-needed relief while it heals up. Stay well. Penguins7

Nov 24, 2020 7:58 pm

Hi, Penguins.

Hope the tape and new process helps you heal! :)


Nov 25, 2020 3:31 am


Hi Penguins,

I went out and got that same tape a few months ago!   I just never thought to try it UNDER my barrier!   Glad to know it works and doesn't screw up adhesion! Excellent info......thanks!



Nov 27, 2020 10:22 pm

No worries, Bob. Wrap a piece of the tape around your finger so you remember to try it. Stay well. Penguins7

Past Member
Dec 20, 2020 9:59 pm

Skin irritation is a bear! Messes your entire program up, doesn't it?

I have an ileostomy and have to change my wafer every other day, and it's always beginning to leak, but I catch it before the irritation starts.

I'm allergic to a lot of adhesives, so tapes and glues I use with caution first on the other side of my abdomen. I'm allergic to hydrocolloid, which a lot of the rings and stoma powders are made of.

I use the Brava Skin Barrier Wipe because it's silicone-based and my skin tolerates it well, and it helps my wafer adhere better.

If you can tolerate the adhesives, there are many around that aren't hydrocolloid. Like adhesive sprays and others are like glue in a bottle that you literally paint the skin around your stoma.

I think silicone is going to be the next big thing in ostomy care products.

Good luck


Past Member
Mar 21, 2021 1:59 am

Convatec 2-in barrier ring stops leaks for me. Flush stoma too. It works 2 days then breaks down, meaning it absorbs so much it covers my flush stoma.