No Output from Ostomy Pouch in 24 Hours - Concerns?

May 01, 2021 2:26 pm

I usually have to empty my pouch at least 3 times a day. I have very liquid output. I have had no output for 24 hrs. Is this something I should be worried about?

May 01, 2021 4:33 pm

Hi Estrogen, 

Have you changed your diet. There are many foods that will thicken your output to the point of not producing as often. Have you started a new medication?  
How long have you had your ostomy? I know the first year of mine, my output habits were forever changing. When that happened before Instarted irrigating , a few days of no output was normal. Sometimes, I think my colon just says enough, goes on strike to show me who is the real boss.
But seriously, Do you have any pain in your stomach? Is there any gas passing?  Keep a close eye on all of this. There are some foods that will cause a blockage especially if not chewed really well. 
If this continues and the signs point to, and you are concerned about a blockage, you may want to drink one of the old favorites for helping that along. Prune juice, you know that routine. The same things you would do for constipation pre Ostomy. If it does continue, an over the counter stool softener may help.  If you begin to have pain such as cramps, and it does not pass, a trip to the ER, since it is the weekend,  may be In order. Give it a chance to correct itself. 
This is something most of us have on occasion. Some are worse than others. 
As you can see, there are many reasons for not having output. I would not worry too much about 24 hours. I irrigate and have no output for two days between irrigation's. 

Good luck. I hope you feel better soon. 

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May 02, 2021 5:26 am

Hi Estrogen!

While this could be a sign of a blockage, it could also be a sign of dehydration. You may not be drinking enough, and you became constipated. Call your GI and/or PCP to get advice. Keep in contact with them until something passes. Be mindful of the amount, color and frequency in which you pass and inform your doctor. Sometimes there's an underlying cause (that can be treated!!), but only found after additional testing.

good luck to you! 🙏

May 02, 2021 12:12 pm

Thank you all for answering. Issue resolved and back to normal

May 02, 2021 7:06 pm

Glad to hear your issue is resolved! 


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