Can I safely eat potato skins with an ileostomy?

Jun 05, 2021 5:24 pm

I need guidance from another ileostomy person, please.
I know I cannot eat apple peels, cucumber peels, pepper skins... but can I eat and pass potato skins?
I'm afraid to try as I don't want/need a blockage. I have no large intestine at all.

Thanks, Ritz

Morning glory
Jun 05, 2021 9:40 pm

Hi Ritz

I have to peel my potatoes, but some with ileostomy on here say they can eat anything. I had one blockage and never want to chance another.

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Jun 05, 2021 9:42 pm

Ritz:  I have more issues with potatoes (which I dearly love) than potato skins.   Potato thickens me up; nothing bad, just thicker than usual.  I do eat skins, just not often b/c I avoid potatoes.  The skins have never caused me problems, tho' sometimes I end up spitting out a bit of skin residue that's not gone down with the potato.  I also eat sweet peppers often, including the skin, w/o a problem.  I think the key is stuff like this is moderation.  Stay well.  HenryM

Jun 06, 2021 12:36 am


You sort of answered your own question... if other 'skins' give you trouble... potatoes should be no different. I don't usually eat the skins, but haven't had a problem with them when I did. My issue is with unchewed potatoes... like french fries. If I don't chew any potatoes to mush... they come out intact, and if there's enough of them it's not a fun time. You'll also probably find your digestion is better in the morning, getting worse as the day goes on. I can eat almost anything when I get up in the morning, but need to continually chew better and better as the day goes on.

If you have a real hard-on to eat potato skins... try just one and see what happens. You should know by now how long your transit time is from mouth to bag... so just keep an eye out when it's time. I hope it works for ya!!!!!



Jun 06, 2021 10:05 am

Hi Ritz

I have an ileostomy and I eat potatoes with the skin on them. I must admit, sometimes if I haven't chewed long enough, it does tend to cause a bit of a blockage. Be warned, when it does come out when you are in the middle of changing the bag, it's like a bullet being shot. Lol, sorry, too much info, eh. Take care for now XX


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ron in mich
Jun 06, 2021 1:35 pm

Hi all, the only potato skins I eat are on baby reds. They don't break down, but they do pass through my stoma. It's the same with tomatoes.

Jun 06, 2021 2:26 pm

It's always the fear of trying something new in my gut. Perhaps I'll try mashed skins first and see if the tiny pieces pass.
Thanks for everyone's input, and I have hopes for my output!

Past Member
Jun 06, 2021 3:06 pm

I can, but the only way for you to find out is to try it for yourself.

Jun 07, 2021 7:44 pm

I have no problem with potato skins, the only thing my surgeon said I couldn't eat was popcorn but I can eat it with no problem, of all things spinach cooked and nuts give me a short-term blockage.

I have had my ileo for 20 years, wish you the best.


Homie With A Stomie NS
Aug 14, 2022 1:13 pm

Morning Ritz....potatoes have been my kick for over a month. Usually baked, at first I was scraping out of the skins and loading them up. Then went to 2/2 skin cut bite size loaded up again butter, sour cream, bacon bits, and cheese. Now I leave it in the skins, load it up, and chew chew etc... I am a 5 months permanent ileostomymate and have no problem passing potatoes or its does thicken up my output same as rice but no issues... chase your food with water it always helps....

Happy Sunday


PS I don't do apple skins, but grapes go through no issues minus the seed same as cherries no stem or seeds etc