Incredible Spa Experience with Colostomy Bag!

Past Member
Nov 01, 2021 2:48 pm

My weekend was incredible. Never felt more "normal!" (Had a seven-year hiatus)

The Massage: I chose a 50-minute Aromatherapy. I lay on my stomach and back, did nothing different with my bag. For the comfort of the very accepting young masseuse (I offered, she didn't care), I put a small towel under and over my bag, on my stomach, then on my back. I have a bad back, curvy spine, but she was light on it, so no harm, only help from that. The massage is toe to head, back, then front. It was incredible. And full disclosure: of course, my bag started to get a bit full at an hour when it never does. My Convatec bag rolls up, no harm to me, no leakage, and it was silent (that was nice!). Wow.

The Sauna, and other Rooms: Wow again! I was always a sauna person, never too hot for me. It detoxes, I believe, and it helps pain. Again, in the room, I had a small towel (they provided) over my colostomy. So no one even noticed, and again, I forgot. It was just me in the sauna. The showers were private, so the shower was the usual (I keep my bag on, always have, with a sticker over the filter). In the dressing room, I did not hide anything, but people are in their own worlds, so I have no idea if anyone looked, stared, wondered. I was in my own happy world!

So I cannot recommend this enough. At my age (soon 65), and (stories for another day) with family who didn't accept me (Insane, just some bad fortune long ago), I had been hesitant, but no more! Obviously, it is a bit of a luxury to do this, but it was worth every penny! My girlfriend was beaching and getting a facial, had a great time. My friends today must be accepting after what I went through in early years. And they all are, which is wonderful.

I hope this helps someone! And of course, I came with extra supplies (didn't need), and I hydrated! Best to everyone!

Nov 01, 2021 2:54 pm

Liz... I'm so happy you just relaxed and had a great time! All that worry over nothing.... Book your next one now! We are as normal as anyone!


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Past Member
Nov 01, 2021 3:04 pm
Reply to Ritz

Ritz, I knew that, but it was incredible to do one of my favorite things in the world!

Nov 01, 2021 3:28 pm
Reply to Anonymous

Liz, I'm so glad. Keep up doing the things you love.

Nov 01, 2021 5:39 pm

Liz. I am glad you finally did it and enjoyed it.


Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Past Member
Nov 01, 2021 5:49 pm
Reply to lovely


Nov 01, 2021 7:05 pm

Hi Liz, so glad you shared your experience. I've been hesitant yet wanted to get a massage. I always thought, "Wow, they will see the pouch." Well, I'm going to go for it!
Glad you enjoyed it!


Past Member
Nov 01, 2021 7:27 pm

Happy to hear it went well, Liz. It does make you feel normal and worth all the anxiety you feel the first all you need is a special someone to soap your back in the shower.


Earth Angel
Nov 01, 2021 10:27 pm

I agree with Ritz! Live your life and never avoid doing something you love because you're afraid. I had a hot stone massage in Turks and Caicos in May with my daughter and we had such a relaxing time, I think I started to snore! Lol! I'm so glad I did it. It made my day!!!! So happy you were brave!!! And yes, book that next massage. There's nothing like being pampered.

Past Member
Nov 01, 2021 10:41 pm
Reply to Angelicamarie

I'm so glad! I didn't want anyone to wonder, hesitate like I did. The best to you!

Morning glory
Nov 02, 2021 1:32 am

Hi Liz, thanks for sharing your experience with us. More than half of the things we fear never happen. As you said, people are in their own world and never notice. Enjoy your life to the fullest...

Past Member
Nov 02, 2021 1:14 pm
Reply to Angelicamarie

You must do it!

Past Member
Nov 02, 2021 1:15 pm
Reply to Morning glory

How true that is, and I was in my own world as well! Thanks!

Nov 02, 2021 4:39 pm


Isn't it so wonderful? That's great and like mentioned above book and rebook! My surgery was 12/15/20 and I have had a 90-minute massage weekly since March..... I just that, acupuncture and Pilates for my recovery and to keep me in balance! There are a few things I can advise what I do for laying on my stomach... I have a small square pillow that I bring to every session...and it lifts my tummy so I am not laying directly on my stomach. I have also used a pregnancy massage table! They have a hole where your tummy goes.... I cried the first time I tried one... to be able to lay flat was amazing!

Never not go due to this... I do it all! Even a hot tub, beach, and swimming in a pool! Good luck!

Past Member
Nov 02, 2021 4:45 pm
Reply to mikamouse

Thanks for the suggestions! Really appreciate it!

Nov 03, 2021 6:41 am

Hi Liz, thanks for sharing your experience! I know it was helpful to a lot of people out there... The thought of having a massage never occurred to me back in my "younger days" in my 20s and 30s. I had my ostomy when I was 15, got married at 20, and was busy having and raising my babies into my 30s. When I was in school and my marriage was falling apart, a friend invited me to spend a week in Florida at her vacation home. The kids had camp, I invited the grandparents to stay at the house, and I joined my friend for a week of (what was for me) luxury. We went to the beach club, enjoyed the beach and the pool, had dinners out, and the highlight... a full spa day. We chose the classes and procedures we wanted, and that included lunch as well. We had pool exercises, a yoga class, a massage, and a "wrap" of some kind, while others went for facials or other options. We were about 5 gals, including my friend's mother-in-law (this was her birthday gift), who meandered around the dressing room, as proud of her aging body as any 20-year-old would be. While I was somewhat anxious in my mind, it never occurred to me not to go and partake of all the "luxury" this special day offered. That was the beginning of what would be many more relaxing and restorative sessions in many beautiful locations. The most memorable was an outdoor massage, under a tent, booked from the cruise ship on which I was traveling. In all experiences, the masseuse was professional, accommodating, helpful, and never indicated my most obvious "difference". For all the men and women ostomates out there who have never done it, I recommend splurging on yourself and enjoying the mental and physical health the experience provides. Best regards...

Nov 03, 2021 9:20 am

Good for you, Liz! Thanks for sharing!


Past Member
Nov 03, 2021 10:57 am
Reply to Immarsh

Thanks for sharing that! Great for you, great for all. I think, after my experience and reading all of yours, there's an extra big benefit for ostomates: it is another of those "rejoining the world" experiences for those who just didn't know or think about it. All the benefits of spa, beach, life! Wow, what a life you have led. We all go through the ups and downs of life, but after ostomy, this is more than a luxury!

Past Member
Nov 03, 2021 10:58 am
Reply to Ebony&Ivory

I hope folks get this chance, take the opportunity!

Nov 05, 2021 7:27 pm

I've had my colostomy/ileostomy for a total of 27 years. Colostomy first, then ileostomy. I have always wanted to have a massage and have been afraid to do it. These messages may just have changed my mind.

Past Member
Nov 05, 2021 8:03 pm

You've waited a long time. Please, please do. I intend to have massages, go to the spa, etc. from now on! (When I can afford it!) Any wait is too much of a wait. You deserve this.

Past Member
Nov 06, 2021 8:28 am
Reply to Angelicamarie

I am finally getting to the point where (if in a spa, etc.) I don't care if someone sees the bag. I'm happy to explain. It's part of me! Run, don't walk to your massage!

Past Member
Nov 06, 2021 8:30 am
Reply to Ritz


Past Member
Nov 07, 2021 2:18 am

Good for you ladies... go for it. The first time I took my shirt off at the beach was so liberating, I decided not to give a shit. Don't like it? Hey, I don't like looking at your big hairy butt squeezed into a thong and in need of a bra to control your man-boobs, I just don't look!!.

In the days when I lived in San Francisco, I used to go swimming at Aquatic Park in the shadow of the glorious Golden Gate Bridge. I generally wore a T-shirt. One cool foggy evening with the sunset slowly giving the GG that famous golden glow, I was swimming as usual, swimming cap and goggles included. I will admit that you got and still get an eclectic mix of old-time SF beach bums sitting or wading or swimming. Some adventurous homeless men would have their evening wash in the bracing water of the bay, in varying stages of dressed/undressed, no naughty bits exposed!!. Not weirdos or perverts, just doing normal stuff. My body temperature was getting as low as I was comfortable with and quite exhausted from the cold water.

I must have presented a bit of a strange vista, dragging my dripping tired butt out of the water and up the beach. My T-shirt and shorts were waterlogged and stretched but stuck to my shivering body. There was a woman sitting in the sand, and as I approached, she got this look of horror on her face. I looked down eventually and my bag was filled to capacity and making a huge bulge in my shorts!!! And not the good kind, lol. I grabbed my towel and ran to my car, luckily there was a porta-potty so I was saved.

Nov 07, 2021 2:44 am
Reply to mikamouse

Thank you for your input. I have done the hot tub and the swimming pool (water aerobics) / swimming, beach, cruise, etc. All the comments have me convinced to try a massage. I first have to get some major urinary issues resolved. I will be going

to the Mayo Clinic in a couple of weeks. I have been bothered by this particular issue for two years and it has gotten progressively worse and no one can tell me why I have so much pain when I pee. All they can say is it's called an "angry" bladder.

Right now I am confined to my home as it is so bad. Peeing every twenty to thirty minutes and extremely painful. I pray for some miracle answers. So I can get back to living!!

Past Member
Nov 07, 2021 10:12 am

Good luck at Mayo. I hope you get your answers, and that this will stop. Back to life.

Past Member
Nov 07, 2021 10:14 am

Isn't it great to enjoy yourself so much in the water that you don't even realize the bag is full?!

May 02, 2022 12:33 am
Reply to Anonymous

So true....... So true...... LOL

May 25, 2022 7:39 am

Wow, it's wonderful!