Understanding Lupus: What Is It Exactly?

Apr 27, 2010 10:52 pm
hello people after feeling pretty crummy for a week now since i carried those tables down two flights of stairs i finally went to the doctors along with a bunch of blood tests he thinks i have a hernia i think i did damage to my stoma because it feels like its blocked only liquid is coming out after xrays they say its not blocked and what is lupus can anyone explain hes sending me for more test ive asked at work if i could do more office work because lifting those grocery bags all day is making it worse im a cashier front end supervisor in a grocery store we do have a union since they refuse my offer to be in the office for awhile till its better any insight on what i should do ive been there 9 years quitting is not a answer is there a way that they have to let me i cannot stay home i dont have sick leave but i do pay into a disability plan im open for discusion thanks guys
Apr 28, 2010 4:34 am
Hi Miyzy.  I'm not sure of lupus but from what you are saying it sounds like what I have been going through with my hernia.  I have to be so careful anymore about lifting, pushing, bending, etc.  Even though my pain has not been severe, my output has been limited at times and I was told by my ostomy nurse that when it got to the point of no output and severe pain, then you know it's time for surgery.  I did not want to wait for that to happen, so this Thursday I will be going in for surgery to repair the hernia.  Maybe, you should get a second opinion.  And what makes the docs think you have lupus?

Miyzy, I am sorry I can't help you with your other questions but I do wish you the best with what you are going through.  Stay strong and my thoughts and prayers are with you.  Debi
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Apr 28, 2010 8:36 am
Hi Miyzy

My doc diagnosed me with Fibromyagia, but having been to a conference all about it this last weekend, it seems that I haven't got it....

Problem is, my symptoms fit it perfectly, but they also fit

Hashimotos thyroidism, Lupus, Scleroderma, Sjogrens, CFS/ME .... so am in a bit of a quandary as I do not want to upset my doc who is lovely, but I obviously need some more testing.

What other symptoms do you have?

With Lupus, you would have a butterfly shaped 'rash' across your face, fatigue; Raynauds disease and possible symptoms anywhere in your body - just wondered which symptom has suggested Lupus to your doc?

Certainly lifting and shifting will not do you or your body any good, so good luck with trying to find something you can do at your place of work

Take care

Rach xxx
Apr 28, 2010 2:39 pm
thats what i said i dont have a rash on my face but i do get one on my body and arms but it goes away i figured it was shingles im tired to the point thati get very irritable i feel like im going postal im embarrased to wear sandles cause my toes get a funny color like there cold i do have problems with my kidneys but i chalk that to holding myself too long but when i go i cant stop i go every 20 minutes and not a lot of pee i think im just getting old as far as memeory we all forget things hence the saying a blonde moment no insult intended ladies im not a real blonde a lot of little things i think hes just covering the basics but i think the fibro fits better thanks ladies
Apr 28, 2010 3:58 pm
Hi again - the funny coloured feet sounds like Raynauds Phenomenon - give that a google - that can be secondary to quite a few other things too though ... has your doc not done any tests? Rach x

How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Apr 28, 2010 4:30 pm
thanks rachel i google that im not anything that discoloured i think hes just covering all the basics i go tomorow for tests although i myself have an answer for the symptoms i think hes just being sure i myself just think im tired im not going to worry about it hey thanks for the info i appreciate it
May 10, 2010 10:08 pm

I really hope you're feeling better soon. And, I know you assured us that quitting your job wasn't an option....but I can't help it - I want to scream "QUIT THAT NO GOOD JOB!" from the top of my lungs.

Login to see image

I know, I know. It's rarely ever quite that simple.

You're in my thoughts.

May 11, 2010 12:52 am

Hi Miyzy, sorry to hear about your troubles. You mentioned in your post that you belonged to a union. Well, that's the first place to go. Ask whoever is in charge of it if they can intercede for you; after all, that's what unions are for. It might make management think twice.

Jan 02, 2018 10:22 pm
hey Texasgirl...my name is Mike ....looks like we are neighbors as I live outside LaGrange ...just down the road anytime u need to talk o a kindred spirit ....email me at **** My name on ostomy site is bigguy979.....HOWDY
Homie With A Stomie NS
Jul 13, 2022 10:46 pm

Howdy Miyzy....1st certainlý they have to accommodate your needs you have a union ask your doctor for a letter that states limitations such as lifting, pushing, bending, limit certain weight, standing x amount of time etc take it to ur rep or personnel department....as for lupus 

Lupus is a disease that occurs when your body's immune system attacks your own tissues and organs (autoimmune disease). Inflammation caused by lupus can affect many different body systems — including your joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, brain, heart and lungs. Lupus can be difficult to diagnose.

Hope this helps have a superfine day

Tracy 🇨🇦