Seeds on hamburger buns and ileostomy bags - Safe to eat?

Oct 10, 2022 4:42 pm

Quick question... Hamburger like from Burger King or other places that make their hamburgers with seeds on the bun... Is that okay to eat with an ileostomy bag... Will the seeds come out of the stoma or clog it up?

Oct 10, 2022 5:16 pm

They come out. I try to avoid them but I forget sometimes. For me, it's just annoying to see them in the bag and I'll rinse the bag out with warm water.

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  38,673 members
Oct 10, 2022 6:48 pm

I can eat them without any problems. Just try them for yourself. It's the only way to find out if it's okay for you to eat.

Oct 10, 2022 9:09 pm

Hi mdls,

As with most things on here, it depends why you have a bag in the first place. The seeds are non-digestible fiber, so if you're okay with that there shouldn't be any problems. If you have IBD and have any stricturing, narrowing or diverticulitis....stay clear of things that come out whole. Fiber can also irritate the bowel, so if yours is already irritated.....more won't help.



Morning glory
Oct 11, 2022 1:08 am

Try them but don't go overboard. I can eat them. I don't eat them often but had one last week.


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Oct 11, 2022 4:29 am

I have never had a problem with them.


ron in mich
Oct 11, 2022 1:08 pm

Hi all, I've had my ileo for 30 some years and seeds have never bothered me, but if I was to eat a handful of peanuts now, that's a different story.

Oct 11, 2022 3:27 pm


I've been eating buns with sesame seeds on them for years.

I've never had any problems with the buns,

Good luck. Mike from Lakewood, Ohio

Oct 12, 2022 4:13 am

The few seeds on buns will go right through. It's too many handfuls of cashews that will clog you up. If you do that, go to an ER so they can monitor the passing of so much. They can always irrigate backwards through your stoma.

Oct 12, 2022 12:42 pm

Think of corn

Oct 12, 2022 2:30 pm

I've never really had an issue. One of my guilty pleasures is a sesame seed bagel with lox and cream cheese. I eat one almost every day. No problems. I've had an ileostomy since 1971.

gary S.
Oct 12, 2022 7:09 pm

Should not be a problem, but be sure to drink plenty of fluids when eating the hamburger buns.

Oct 12, 2022 9:20 pm

No problem with the sesame seeds but ended up in the hospital after eating Chinese food. Blockage due to adhesions and scar tissue. In addition to 4 bowel surgeries, I also had a c-section. All of that adds up to more scar tissue and potential for blockages.

Oct 13, 2022 1:46 am

It's okay to eat seeds like those in burger buns, but they won't be digested well and you'll see them in your bag. I've tried quite a lot of different fiber-rich foods that I've seen come out undigested: corn, leafy vegetables, peanuts, brown/red rice. Annoying, but they rinse out well.

Monsieur Le President
Oct 14, 2022 7:35 am

I'm okay with most things, including most types of nuts, but I avoid fresh coconut as I once got completely blocked after eating a lot after I won one at a fair!

Corn tends to come out similar to the way it went in.

Oct 18, 2022 5:35 pm

After getting a life-threatening blockage, I avoid anything raw, seeds, nuts, etc. I always substitute for bread without seeds by telling them I have an allergy, then they take it seriously and are happy to help.

Oct 20, 2022 10:17 pm

Hi, my name is Marsha, and I've had my ileostomy for nearly 60 years... Much like what others have said, the sesame seeds on a bun or bagel have never been an issue, but like all things, digestion can change over time... I've always been able to eat most fiber, like nuts, corn... salads, but have avoided raw celery, carrots, and cabbage.... The first year I had an ileostomy, I was baking a Jewish pastry (hamantashen) for a holiday... (Purim) One of the fillings we used was "poppy seeds".. Hadn't had a problem with a poppy seed bagel, (which is just a handful), the the spoonful, in the pastry did cause a problem.. (severe pain, cramps..) I lived in Brooklyn, and my Dr. was in NYC, and wanted me to come in, not go to the hospital. So my mother and I took the train into the city.. The doctor wanted me to remove the pouch, and he then pressed around on my belly.... Along with a lot of gas, "guess what" came shooting out of my stoma like "pellets".... You guessed... Lot's and lots of poppy seeds, everywhere!!! What a mess... No more poppy seeds for me... Once at an ostomy conference in NYC, they served coconut ice cream for dessert.... Hmmm, not a good idea.. That night, the hotel dr. had a lot of calls. So many people had blockages from the coconut. I've never had coconut since then.... Best advice.....try small amounts of a questionable food, chew well, and drink plenty of fluids.... Marsha

Nov 22, 2022 8:07 pm

I have a colostomy and have been afraid of the seeds but most burger places will put a bottom part of the bun on top if you ask.