Pro Tip - Seal All Drainable Bags Immediately

Jan 03, 2023 5:29 am

A good tip is if you are using a drainable bag, when you open a new box of 10, seal them all right away. I know some people have forgotten to seal the bag when putting it on, and it's a very messy way to find out. Also, when I empty my bag, I also pour about half a cup of water inside and swish it around to clean it and then let it go. The best container to use to pour the water in is the little cup you get to fill your steam iron; it has a nice spout to direct the water into the bag. Have a great New Year. IGGIE

Jan 03, 2023 1:19 pm

What do you mean by "seal them right away"? Seal what? I'm a little confused!

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Jan 03, 2023 2:21 pm

What do you mean by "seal them right away"? Seal what? I'm a little confused!

Are you using a 2-piece appliance or 1-piece?

Jan 03, 2023 3:17 pm

Simple, if it's a drainable bag you have to close the end or it will pour out. So seal or close whichever word you prefer the bottom of the bag, but do them all so you don't forget. One piece or two piece, if it's drainable you have to close the bottom.

Jan 03, 2023 3:36 pm

Good advice for newbies and experienced ostomates to do the closure up on bags, even after over 30 years I still forget at times. Always seems to happen when I'm staying at a hotel!


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Jan 04, 2023 4:38 am

I always seal the bags ahead of time. Because the little Velcro-like grippers can get rubbed loose and let the bag leak through the bottom as you wear them, I fold that part back and tuck it under the stretchy fabric backing. I use Hollister products. This works for me and also covers the whole entry point, which can be stiff and scratchy. Celia1552

Jan 04, 2023 9:37 pm
Reply to IGGIE

Oh, now I understand!!!!

Thanks for the clarification.

I call it "close the tail". Funny for 31 years the very last thing I do is close the tail with the tail clip/clamp. I have thrown out the tail clip/clamp several times, but easily retrieved from the trash. I know when I forget to attach the tail clip/clamp when I go to tuck the drainable end into the waist of my underwear and something is wrong.

Jan 07, 2023 2:58 pm

We can laugh about this now. But we did forget to close my husband's bag because there was a lot going on when we changed the bag. When he noticed output on his leg. Took us a while to even notice that was the problem. That is an excellent idea to close them all when you get them.

Mar 10, 2023 9:11 am

Such a funny post.... I have my ileostomy for almost 60 years, way before there were disposable pouches. Permanent ones were made of rubber, and we used rubber bands to close the "tail". I started using Convatec disposable pouches when they became available (don't remember when) and they come with 2 clasps per box. They are made of a hard plastic/rubber substance, and I feel more secure with them than the newer Velcro closures. I find that difficult to fold and secure. I just didn't feel safe. I have never forgotten to close the tail... to the best of my memory, I've never had one break. But I agree, that one could forget to close the tail, so it's a safe option. I probably have about 100 (or more) unused clips. They seem to last forever. One caution... to anyone who sleeps alone or sometimes tries to skip a trip to the bathroom. There are times I wake up, and the pouch is filled with air (but little output) so half asleep, I let out the air... Whoops. A few times I found myself covered with poo because in my sleepy state, I didn't put the clip back on. It's so worth a trip to the bathroom, and not having to change the bed linens or do the wash in the middle of the night. By the way, hydrogen peroxide and Dawn dish detergent solution gets poo stains out of the carpet. I Googled that and found that solution for parents whose baby likes to pull off their filled diapers. I hope someone is smiling. Have a great day. Marsh