Rotten-Apple, pls clarify. You mentioned your BF is "now" supportive. Did you mean NOT?
We are assuming it's"not supportive". He is not supportive.
Also, "NEWBIES" like youget very confused abouttheir type of surgery. Even in hospitals these professionals call it a colostomy when I have an ileo.. it pisses me off to explain to these "professionals" what they are calling it, is incorrect.. The thought is by calling a colostomy you still have your large intestine. its just a piece cut out for whatever reason.. the bag is there to help healing process.
then the intestine is reattached.. and hopefullyyou poop the way you were born to.
However, ileostomate hasno large intestine. Uses your small intestine as your stoma. the pathway for poop. and sometimes the small intestine can be attached to the rectum . such would have been my case. so when professionals say were are gunna xray my colon,a.k.a large intestine, I am not very nice to them in response. ( yea latent anger issues for sure when it comes to stupid people like this)
anyways back to you. you do have a colostomy, correct? not an ileostomy? I was told ileos are located on your right side and colostomy on the left. So which side is your bag.? This is a good identifier if things went well with your surgery and placement. there are excepts though. none I want to speak of now.
secondly, your BF?he will prove to be either a testament to a good, loving, understanding person, perhaps future husband if he can see past this bag thing. OR he will a douche. Do this.. give him a wafer, give him a spare bag. give him a taste. and saynow we are equal. how do you like that.?again this will either make him or break him. if its the former, kudos.. if its the latter, cut your loss . you have your youth and are quite a beauty.
You are going through what we all have: a stage. Not sure how many stages there are exactly, but like with cancer, or any other horrible livable disease there are those times.
Each of us has been in your situation. We are here for you. good people. good advice. and yesyou can find perhaps a better guy here too. Talk to us. .. Warrior