Discovering Hypafix Tape and the Handy Uses of Clothespins

Jul 22, 2010 10:36 pm
Hey everybody. 'k so stupid here

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didn't know that when you type here in really big fonts ( so I can see what I typed ) it gets posted that way

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oops !

     Just wanted to mention something I found ( or maybe you all know about it & I'm late to the party) but I got some tape from a nurse at the hospital..... its called Hypafix and is virtually the same material that the cloth part of the wafers are made of . Its hypoallergenic & easy on the skin and makes the wafers last longer if they start to lift around the edges. Its made by BSN Medical (Germany) & is available in our little tiny town's drug store so it shouldn't be hard to find.

Also I carry a clothespin with me & keep one in the bathroom . They are invaluable for holding up shirts etc. when emptying or wiping etc. Almost like having a third hand!!!!
Jul 23, 2010 12:41 am
oh my!! I am embarrased I didnt think of having a clothespin in the bathroom! Great idea, I will also put one in the commode up at camp, and have one in my portable kit. Thanks!! This is why I came here, all the ideas and talking to people who are going thru the same issues I am. Keep a seal, lex
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hal k
Jul 23, 2010 2:22 am
very smart idea. I will pass that along as this can come in handy when needing a third hand.
Past Member
Jul 23, 2010 12:15 pm
Hi, a clothespin would work, but I got a free shirt holder, they look nice and have clips on both sides.  You cant just go to there site to get it, you have to order it on this site when they are on.  It's really comfortable and I just keep mine hanging on my bathroom door.  I paid no shipping or anything and it was just sent to me for joining which that was free also.  Hope you all get one as they are awesome, Jenny
Jul 23, 2010 4:03 pm

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thanks, i just put a peg in my bathroom, and my handbag!!,

  wendy xx

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elli bean
Aug 13, 2010 11:11 pm
My ET nurse gave me a big box of that Hypafix tape, it really is incredible stuff! My mom's been borrowing, well using some, for holding absorbent pads on her infected bellybutton. I have never had to buy it so I don't know the price but I do know it's really versatile and effective, for many things besides pouching as well.
Aug 16, 2010 1:03 pm
Wow! Oh, if only me and my hubby had gotten our hands on that tape during his difficult recovery a year ago! Goodness me, it would have saved some serious headaches by the sounds of it...

I have written down the name of that tape, and we might just pick it up the next time we're shopping for a new supply of bags.