Vitala Continence Device Info and User Reviews

Sep 20, 2010 5:00 pm
Hi everyone - People have posted questions about the Vitala continence device by Convatec and issues relating to discharge of waste in public places.  Here are some websites with the info (I have used the liners myself and they are GREAT!).  The Vitala will be available later in the Fall; Convatec is taking advance orders now.     

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Jan 09, 2011 6:12 pm
Hi Pinky,

Have had a colostomy for six weeks would love to know more about the Vitala and any other tips and new products??
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Past Member
Jan 09, 2011 10:30 pm
Hi Pinky

Thanks for posting this info. You said you have used the liners before, is this with an ileostomy? How easy is it to use? I looked at the website which shows basically how is works but how do you use it in practice? I assume the advantage is that you just flush the liners?

I have a ileo myself (from Crohns).

Thanks very much.

Past Member
Jan 21, 2011 3:14 am
yes there linners for ileostomy ask you medical dealer to order samples  or call yourself. You can always ask you local et nurse if you have one in your area.

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Jan 22, 2011 1:48 am
Hi Sunnie and Daydreamer - sorry about not getting back to you right away...been out having fun  

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The Vitala is STILL not out.  I don't know what the problem is - I'll ask the WOCN next week at the support group meeting if she knows.

The Colomajic liners are easy to use with a two-piece colostomy system...I can't say how they would be with an ileostomy since you have more frequent output.  I used the liners with a closed end bag - do you have those for ileostomies?  That is how I think the liners are most useful.

They will send you a small sample pack to try out.    

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