Hey everyone! Just wanting to express my first block! It all happened last Tuesday when I was at work. Stupid me ate an orange for morning tea! Everything seemed to be fine until I was changing my bag and having a shower. As what happens every time I shower, of course, it "shits". But that night it hurt. It was bulging, and nothing was coming out. I called my husband into the bathroom, and he could see what was happening. He was going to take me to the hospital, but we called my hospital to see if there was anyone on call for me to be able to talk with. They didn't have anyone, but he spoke to the clinical nurse for my surgeon's ward. She advised to see how it goes throughout the night, but if I start to get a fever or vomit, to come in ASAP! I had no sleep at all as I was in a lot of pain. It released nothing throughout the night! I didn't go to work that day, but Kieran got home from work early and took me to the hospital. I was admitted straight away and was on a ward by 3pm! By this point in time, I was on morphine, and my surgeon's team came to see me. But when they got there, it was slowly working. I made sure I had a clear bag on for them. They kept me overnight to monitor it. So, you guessed it again, didn't go to work Thursday. I ended up getting a phone call advising me that I wasn't welcome back because I was unfit for it! Just fucking rude as they know why I haven't worked for 2 years! Anyways, now all this has happened, I've managed to tear my scar tissue in my stomach. So, I've now been advised to contact Centrelink and try to get something from them as I'm unfit for work, as I still have more operations to go! If anyone else has anything to share, I'm open! Thanks everyone! Brooke xxx

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