Struggling with Ostomy Supplies While Snorkeling in Maui

Jan 19, 2011 6:58 pm
Aloha all from Maui!

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Hubby and I have been snorkeling and in the pool a lot, so I thought I'd let you know how all the seals, tapes, etc., are working.

Short answer - not as well as I'd hoped. I've read how some of you have had absolutely no problem and I was hoping for that.

For reference, I (ileo Dec 09) use Convatec 2-piece. For the water, I added the Sure-ring seals and then around that a special tape (don't have the packing with me for the name).

Holds for 2 days and then the adhesive of the flange has melted enough to seep/push its way to the edges. One night I was too tired to change when I should have (plus I did a 15 min hot tub dip) and I had a leak during the night.

Some of the spots we snorkel don't have washroom facilities, so I have my wipes, etc., and a wide-mouth small Gatorade bottle for emptying. Bit finicky but does work.

I also rented the top portion of a wetsuit. I found that it works better than my hernia support belt (small hernia developing) while still allowing the stoma to drain.

Ok, time to grab my Gatorade bottle, hubby, and head out to the water!

All the best,

Jan 19, 2011 7:04 pm

While it sounds like you are having minor issues, it sure does sound like you're having fun and not letting it stop you from living, and that's the point. Enjoy.

By the way, whenever I have swum in salt water, I would get a full day of swimming, no issues, but then would start the next day with a new wafer. Never two days in salt water, and you also said you did a hot tub. I think you have been blessed with a good seal to survive all of that without a blowout. Love Michael and wish I was snorkeling too.

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  38,711 members
Jan 19, 2011 7:06 pm

Sounds like you are having fun... Enjoy and keep us updated on all the water activities!
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Jan 19, 2011 11:24 pm

Great news, Beatrice - lovely to hear you are having a good time snorkeling again - need pictures for when you come back home!

Rach xxxx

Jan 20, 2011 12:23 am

Hi Beatrice. Wouldn't I love to be in Maui right now as the snow is falling. It is pretty though, but not as pretty as Maui. I am very grateful that you wrote about your experience swimming, etc. This summer, I am going back to swimming with the grandbabies. I am the seahorse, and they get on my back, and in a perfect world, I would swim to the other side, but in Yaya's world, I usually just sink. Ha. I can hardly wait until summer. Have a ball. Watch out for blood clots on your flight home. Get up and move around on the plane. Safe journey!


How to Manage Emotions with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jan 21, 2011 10:38 pm


Glad to hear that you're getting to enjoy the water, especially in Hawaii. When you get home, look for Scanpoor tape. It's pricey, but it's like a second skin, and it stays on, even in the water. When it dries, it feels like it was never wet. I never thought of bringing a "bottle," but have often emptied in the woods when on hikes. Now I don't have to avoid places without restrooms. Hot tubs are tricky, so when away... good idea to just plan on changing more often. All of us are happy for you, and "wish we were there too."
Enjoy!!!! Best regards... Marsha

Past Member
Jan 22, 2011 2:16 pm

Going swimming is my next hurdle, so it is good to hear another success story.

And you're having a good time
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