Hi All,
I have found that there are not many support groups in PA that meet at least once a month. I would like to start a support group and would like to know if there is anyone out there interested in joining. I want to make sure there is a need and if there would be people who would like to attend.
The meetings would be a minimum of once a month. We could have outings, fishing, shopping, etc. This would not be just a gathering once a month and then going home. We would get connected with others as well as with our families. This is not a dating service, but if you were to meet someone at the grouping, that would be great. Families would be welcome at the outings if you wish.
This would be a great way to meet others without the scary part of meeting one-on-one. If you live in area states, you would definitely be welcome to attend. It is open to anyone.
Let me know what you think!

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