Countdown Begins

Feb 14, 2012 11:39 pm
Well I'm finally down to the last few hours with my friendly stoma. I thank God that I've had him this past year and I'm a little sad to think I'll not see him after tomorrow. I know I've voluntarily decided on the reversal but a part of me will miss my new lifestyle. I know you'll think I'm crazy but realising what a lifesaver my stoma has been has given me a completely different outlook on life and I hope I never forget that. But its time to move on and look to the next chapter in my book. Yes I am a little scared about the surgery, but I know I have one good friend in Carol up there looking out for me and this means the world. I'd also like to thank everyone here for your wonderful support this past year and I look forward to continuing here with as much support as you've given me. I'll try and post here as soon as I'm up to it and hopefully let you in on my progress. Take good care, Colm

Feb 15, 2012 1:51 am
My best to you, Colm. I hope all goes well for you in recovery. May your bowels awaken early and without vengeance. I completely understand what you mean about saying goodbye to your stoma. I haven't had mine for a week and I miss it's comforting gurgles. Please let us know how you're doing!
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Feb 15, 2012 3:36 am

I look forward to hearing your recovery story! My daughter broke her leg around the same time I had my reversal, so we got to spend some quality time together. We laughed when she reminded me of the time she was home and we were brewing coffee, and she said, "Is that you or the coffee machine?" It takes a little while to adjust to not constantly feeling/adjusting the pouch, and not feeling the poo moving through... I used to chuckle that I could feel and see my poo... Not many people can do that! I agree, that stoma was what saved my life, and to see that spot going through a healing phase was so... I can't even come up with a word... an incredible experience that I am so happy to have the chance to do... I thank God every day, and I thank my husband for being so incredibly patient through these last few years...

Feb 15, 2012 8:17 am

Wishing you all the best with your op and the recovery. I look forward to your next blog telling us all how you're doing. Take care, wishing you a speedy recovery. Mrs O x

Feb 15, 2012 5:09 pm
Good Luck. Hope all goes well x

Getting Support in the Ostomy Community with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Feb 16, 2012 2:27 am
Colm, you are absolutely right: Carol is up there looking out for all of us Ostomates. She had a way of reaching out to all of us and finding something positive to say about everyone. I will never forget her courage and clarity in calling 911 to make sure Loretta was OK. No doubt in my mind that we now have our own patron saint. I will never forget her; and those of us who had contact with her should count this experience among their life-long blessings. You're going to be just fine, Colm, with friends like us and Carol upstairs looking out or praying for you. PB
Feb 16, 2012 8:12 am

The very best of luck, wishing you a speedy recovery and will look forward to hearing how it all went, take care x

Feb 16, 2012 11:23 am

Well guys, thank you so much for all your wonderful support. Everything went according to plan according to the surgeon. He was very happy with how things went. Almost 5 hours in the theater and yes, Primeboy, Carol was definitely there guiding them along. I will have a look at the scars as soon as I get into the en-suite. I will let you know later how physio goes. Take care, Colm

Feb 16, 2012 11:37 am

Colm-YAAAAAAAAY! :) So glad to hear from you this morning! Prayers for you all day yesterday and I just felt in my spirit that everything was okay and that you came through the surgery well! So grateful that my hunches are confirmed by your presence this morning! Prayers and positive energy continuing for you, friend! I have a huge smile on my face this morning knowing you are doing well! Keep us posted as you are able. Darla

Feb 16, 2012 12:01 pm

PS: I still find myself checking on my stoma (Old Faithful) several times a see if everything is okay, or if my bag needs changing, etc.! Very strange feeling, knowing that what was once my lifeline will soon be just a little round scar on the right side of my abdomen... I'll always think of this scar as my anchor; the anchor that settled this old ship and held her steady while she repaired and healed.

Feb 16, 2012 3:28 pm
Colm: Wishing you the very best of luck on your reversal and a speedy, uneventful recovery. Prayers are being sent your way. Dianne
Feb 17, 2012 7:16 am

Colm, you were one of the first to reach out to me as a newbie here, and I haven't forgotten that. Glad to hear you are on the mend.

Feb 17, 2012 10:55 am
So glad that the long awaited op finally happened. Hope the recovery time is quicker. Well done, you deserve all the luck in the world! Regards, Jenny
Feb 18, 2012 10:23 am
Hi Guys, was at a bit of a low yesterday. Whether it was my lack of stoma or what I don't know. But had a day and night full of hiccups. Thankfully that's all well behind. Having the first proper look at myself this morning, everything looks in place, even the hernia. Wow what a difference that makes. Had my first tea and toast this morning too and will have last of drains removed today. Dave C, the very, very best of luck to you for next week. I'm still a little unsteady yet to give any criticism, but its definitely not as bad as first time round. But thanks to everyone for all your wonderful prayers. They sure worked for me. Thanks again and take good care, Colm
Feb 18, 2012 11:49 am

Colm - Glad to hear that you are progressing. You will have some highs and lows during this recovery period... both physically and emotionally. Your body and your mind are undergoing much change right now. Things are different. I am still getting used to life with no stoma... and although it is good, it is different. Definitely an adjustment! Well, eat as much as they will let you and, as PB says, may the wind be at your back! ;) We're rallying around you, dear friend!
Blessings and Prayers,

Feb 20, 2012 12:42 am

Good luck to you and the very best to everything that you want to do. Please come back and let us know how you are, and you always have another family with us. God bless. And prayers to you. Sharon

Feb 20, 2012 10:42 am

Thanks again, Darla and Sharon. It's always great to get a bit of support. Oh, I almost didn't get PB's saying, but thankfully that's just started to happen, although I'm still waiting on some BM. I'll not panic yet, though, and let things take their course. Beginning to get a bit more sleep now thankfully...they seem to have the pain meds sorted now. Good wishes to everyone here, and I'll let you all know how things are going very soon. Take care, Colm

Feb 20, 2012 8:14 pm
To Dave Canada: Hi Dave, just noticed you were online and I'd just like to wish you the very, very best for you tomorrow and let you know that you'll be in our prayers and thoughts. I know all your positive thoughts and prayers worked for me last week and I'll be forever grateful. God Bless and take good care, Colm
Feb 21, 2012 2:41 am

Wishing you the best with your reversal. Hope all goes well for you. Best of luck and keep us posted on your recovery, Dee.

Feb 21, 2012 5:01 am

I know I said I wouldn't be back tonight, but I saw Colm's message for me and had to reply. Thank you, kind sir. Just about 12 hours away now. I'm officially NPO now until after the surgery. Wouldn't you know it... now I'm thirsty. Thank you too, Dee.

Feb 21, 2012 5:03 am

Hi Colm, I did wish you well, but I don't see my post up here. So glad your surgery is finally over and a new life is beginning. Keep us all posted.

Feb 21, 2012 2:34 pm
Well guys, there it is....I'm home on Day 6 after surgery and not in the door half an hour and I have my first BM. You really don't know what a relief that is!! ;-) I have a few prescription pain meds but nothing too scary. I still miss my old buddy stoma and can only thank God for having it when I needed. I still have no problem with having to go back again in the future should I need, but for now I'm going to keep a positive outlook and enjoy life without! I'd like to thank you all once more for your thoughts and prayers these past few months and I look forward to continuing on here. So thanks again Darla and Beaner most recently for your wonderful support and thank you also Hometown Joyce. One last thing I'd like to ask the administrator to do is keep our good friend and mentor, Carol's (Dawneagle)posts here. She's been such an important contributor here, it would be a shame to lose such wonderful insights! Thanks and take good care all, Colm
Feb 21, 2012 2:53 pm

Colm - So glad you are home and that you had a nice surprise right after you walked in the door! :) Sounds like you are on your way to a successful recovery! I know what you mean about your stoma... it is strange not to have one after having one for a while and going through all that adjustment period just getting used to having one! I am still checking for mine even though it has been almost 3 weeks now since my stoma went bye bye! Just take things one day at a time... that's what I am trying to do. Set small, attainable goals for yourself and give yourself plenty of space for the not so good days as well as the good ones! We're all behind you and here for you; things are looking up! And yes, I agree, it would be a real shame to remove Carol's posts from our forum... may they remain in our archives, but most of all in our minds and hearts, as sources of strength, wisdom, and motivation! Take good care of yourself, friend! :) Darla

Feb 21, 2012 3:02 pm
Oh thanks again Darla for my welcome home. I'm actually at my sister's place for a few weeks so will make use of her broadband whenever I get a chance! LOL! I just tried having a look back for some of Carol's posts only to find she's been removed. I do hope they can archive them some way as I think she was one wonderful philosopher and I know she kept me on the straight and narrow a few times! :-) I'm really thrilled to see how you're doing too..........I'll be following your lead my dear! Take good care, Colm
Feb 21, 2012 3:11 pm

Colm - Maybe if we all contact the administrator about the posts, there may be some way to archive them... I also noticed that in the private messages we exchanged, the text is still there but the name has been removed. :( Carol was a fan of Jungian psychology and so am I... I have studied Jung's works for the past 10 years or so; along with the MBTI and Keirsey's interpretations... in fact, when I was able to work, I was an HR Director who administered the MBTI and did team interpretations/work group assessments using some of Jung's methods. It was a lot of fun and I miss it! On a different note, Dave is having his reversal today so let us all hold him in our thoughts and prayers. These are times of change for many of us and we will be victorious! :) Darla

Feb 21, 2012 9:58 pm
Well said Darla! I've had Dave in my prayers all day. Here's hoping he's through surgery by now and his recovery begins! I know how well all your positive thoughts and prayers meant to me! Take good care, Colm
Feb 28, 2012 5:35 pm
Colm, I'm glad your surgery went well and that you are on the road to recovery. Reading all of the posts on this site certainly helps me in dealing with this illness. I'm scheduled for another surgery on March 16th to reverse my ileostomy. I had reversal of my colostomy on Feb. 3rd only to wake up to a bag on the other side of my body. My doctor said the ileostomy is temporary to give my colon a chance to heal completely. Hopefully, this will be my last surgery and I'll be able to have normal bowel movements. The ileostomy is tough because the bag fills constantly and I spend too much time in the bathroom. I'm thankful that it has all kept me alive so we'll see what the next surgery brings. Thanks for all of your support and let us know how you are doing.
Feb 28, 2012 6:32 pm
Wow MJ! I'm delighted things seem to be coming together for you again. Just think of the ileostomy as part of the journey and you'll be fine. I was told I might need one before the surgery, but thankfully woke up with the area stitched over. Although it still does look like a crater ;-) I still have up and down days.....days when you think everything is back to old times and then days when everything seems to not want to work. So, just a little warning to you, but overall I couldn't ask for more. I'll be keeping you in my prayers for your March date and wish you quieter days ahead with your new temporary bag! So take good care, Colm
Feb 28, 2012 11:48 pm
Colm, Thanks for your encouraging words. Yes, hopefully, I'm in the home stretch of beating this illness and getting back to life. I'm glad you are doing well. MJ
Past Member
Mar 01, 2012 2:41 am

Colm, I am sending you so many good thoughts, tons of giggles, and thousands of rainbows. I have been ever so grateful for your kindness and strength. I pray that your surgery is successful and you recover quickly. You have a wonderful group of friends on here sending you the best of their prayers; I just know everything is going to be great. ~Mandy