This is my first time writing about my situation. I have now had my bag for about 6 weeks, still a lot to get used to.
On April 18th, I went in for a partial hysterectomy. Five days later, I was rushed back in and had emergency bowel surgery. My bowels had three small cuts in them.
This was not discovered in the hospital, so after being home for two days, the poison had been leaking into my body for days.
I now have an ostomy bag on my left side. The good news is it is not a lifetime thing for me. In about six months, I go back in to get this bag off and another one put on my right side (an ileostomy (sp)). I will have that for eight weeks to make sure all infection is gone and all healed up nicely.
While in the hospital, I needed four blood transfusions and many meds... never mind all the tubes and hoses from all parts of the body.
I was less than a day away from death... I am blessed and so happy to still be here.
It has been something to get used to, and I still have my days where I feel sorry for myself. But most of the time, I try to stay positive and think of the good and not the bad.
I'm learning new tricks with my bag and the nurses are a great help, but everyone learns new things on their own... I'd love to hear how you deal with this life change and any tips would be great.
Thank you, and I think everyone with a bag is a strong, beautiful person! Living with one isn't the easiest thing, but you all do it... that alone makes you all amazing people :)

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Before making the trip from your hospital bed to your home, it's important to review some essential care tips and precautions with your stoma care nurse.
Follow our 9-point hospital discharge checklist.
Follow our 9-point hospital discharge checklist.