Just checking in!

Sep 19, 2015 1:28 pm

Hello to my Ostomate friends!

I know this is weird, but even though I have been reversed now for almost 3 years (2012), I still consider myself an ostomate or a friend to the ostomates! I check on here periodically and see if anyone needs support. I have been doing well; I have started chemo treatments as I have a small tumor on my liver. It is stable, but they want to whack it before it grows (Carcinoid cancer is non-aggressive).

As far as my crazy colon and BMs, they are better, but I still have anywhere between 3-10 BMs a day. I will go about 2 months before I get the rectal spasms, which are very painful, and I will poop about 20 times! It used to be every day, so it is getting more spaced apart. My connection was very low (mid rectum), hence my problems, but I am thankful and have accepted my "new" normal. Hopefully, it will continue to get better; it just takes time. Our guts take a lot of time to heal!

Hope and pray that everyone is healthy and well, God bless!

Sep 20, 2015 2:41 am

Hi Latina, it's good to hear you're doing well and adjusting to your new normal. I hope and pray the tumor gets taken care of quickly. How did they find it, a scan? Thanks for the good wishes, but mostly the prayers! Take care and keep keeping us posted. You will always be welcome here!

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Oct 01, 2015 7:58 pm
Thank you Mrs. A! Yes, I have to have scans every six months so that is how they found it. It is tiny but like I said my specialists like to take care of them early on. I don't know if you have ever heard of Carcinoid but it is very rare and is not to be mistaken with Carcinoma which is very aggressive. It's just more of a hassle, chronic illness kind of cancer which requires maintenance or it can kill you.
Oct 02, 2015 7:58 pm
No, I can't recall hearing of Carcinoid but I'm glad your specialists keep a good eye on you!
Feb 17, 2017 5:16 am
Latina63, I had a Carcinoid tumor inside the middle lobe of my right lung in 1996. They removed the entire lobe but I did not have to take chemo or radiation treatments. In 2016, my descending and sigmoid colon were precancerous but that decision was avoided when my colon burst. I had 18 inches of my colon removed and a colostomy added. I hope you are soon entirely free of cancer. I am a retired minister and I know prayer works, so I will be praying for you.

Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Mar 30, 2017 2:04 pm
Oh wow! I'm cancer free and stable thank God, (I am a preachers wife) so I believe in prayer also :-), living with a bag for a year taught me so many things, I wouldn't take that year back for nothing. I still come on here periodically to see how everyone is doing and to see if I can help someone!