This is a slightly, actually more than slightly embarrassing thing for me to say, but I had no plan for being around this long! I have had a good education, but my illness kept interrupting its completion. I'm told that I may be "On the Spectrum"....something like ADHD. After the traumas of my several major (months recovery) surgeries and what I now see was pretty serious depression, I just could not concentrate on major projects or long-term plans.
These days I seem to be back to my old self. Since I had my ileostomy reversed, I have been much healthier and feel much better. I am currently waiting to have what's left of my rectum and my de-functioned J-Pouch removed. This should end my ongoing rectal pain problems.
I would love to get hooked up with some online work. I have been doing photo correction and recovery of old and damaged photos and photo restoration. I will post some work.
Any kind of boring data entry would be great also, got lots of time on my hands these days. I will be stuck at home for a year after my upcoming surgery, and it would be nice if I could make a couple of bucks while I'm sitting here.
There are lots of sites on this subject, but most are bullshit...excuse my French. I would love to hear from anyone who has actually delved into this minefield.
Any comments are welcome...Thank you, Eamon.

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