Chronic Gastritis: Seeking Advice on Blood in Stool

May 01, 2023 1:51 pm

Hi all, I was diagnosed with gastritis about a month ago and have been on Pantoprazole and diet management (I've had to figure out this diet on my own.) Occasionally I've had some reddish-brown output over the past month. Two days ago it was redder than usual. I've had pain for three days. I have a call into my gastro and am waiting for a callback. I've been doing a lot of my own googling since I don't get a whole lot of direction from this doc. I want to know if this is chronic and if it's caused by H. pylori (apparently a large number of cases are caused by this bacteria.) Has anyone had experience with chronic gastritis and would you share your experience? Thanks so much. Another day of pretending at work that I'm not in pain.

May 01, 2023 3:44 pm

No experience but have you cut out all the acidic food/drink? Since it's inflammation and if it's flaring up more right now (past 3 days), I wouldn't think some blood would be abnormal. Have you taken a lot of pain pills lately?

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May 01, 2023 9:01 pm
Reply to AlexT

Thanks for replying, It's Me. Nope, I don't take pain meds, just inhalable Imitrex for migraines when needed. I guess I have to limit my diet even more. It's just scary to see red in my bag. I went through some bleeding four years ago, apparently from O2 not reaching a certain area of my small intestines where two pieces of intestine had been sewn together during one of my surgeries. I spent most of that July in the hospital when the endoclips didn't stop the bleeding fully. No pain, just severe anemia. This is different but seeing red is still scary.

May 01, 2023 9:59 pm

Just heard from the doc - he wants to see me in his office on Wednesday.

May 01, 2023 10:22 pm

See your doctor. Evaluation of bleeding is difficult and can come from anywhere in your GI tract. If there is massive bloody output or you get light-headed, an ER visit would be medically necessary.

Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister
May 01, 2023 10:51 pm
Reply to gentlejohn

Oh, been there, done that several years ago, Gentlejohn. I'm hoping this is gastritis-related and easily diagnosable and treatable.

May 02, 2023 1:32 am

I actually have long-term gastritis, have had it for many years now. What antacid did they put you on? And if you need any diet help just let me know.

May 02, 2023 2:12 am
Reply to Beth22

He put me on Pantoprazole for 30 days and then longer if I still had symptoms. I'm sorry you have long-term gastritis. I would welcome any diet advice you can give me. I actually had plain sushi tonight for dinner, just white rice, avocado, and salmon and so far so good. I'm kind of winging it beyond the "no coffee, chocolate, or acidic foods" advice the office gave me.

May 02, 2023 12:13 pm
Reply to eefyjig

Ooo Protonix, that is a really good one. That's the best one I have ever had. So, with the diet, you don't want to have citrus or acidic foods or drinks. Red sauces like pizza and spaghetti sauces will flare it up and cause irritation, orange juice, lemonade, ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauce, fruit juices, tomatoes, onion, pickles, not a lot of spices or spicy food, or greasy foods.

What's easy on the tummy is mashed potatoes or baked potato (butter is fine), white rice, chicken with cream of chicken is easy on the tummy, bread, crackers, a sandwich with turkey or chicken, easy stuff like that.

May 02, 2023 3:35 pm
Reply to Beth22

Beth, thank you so much for your help. I just read that milk is not good, either. Seems like ooo protonix is a form of pantoprazole. Do you take ooo protonix indefinitely or is its use limited?

May 04, 2023 2:51 pm

Hi there,

I'm glad I can help. I had tried every other antacid that hadn't worked for me. Protonix was the only one, so it was long-term use. I also have GERD, a hiatal hernia, and gastroparesis along with the gastritis... Lol, I'm a hot mess, hahaha.

May 04, 2023 3:29 pm
Reply to Beth22

I just saw my gastro yesterday. He said my gastritis was mild from the start, that the med should tame it by now and I should liberalize my diet. Said the bleeding and pain on Saturday could've been from a partial obstruction that passed since the bleeding is gone and the pain is better. I had also had bleeding about four years ago from an area where two pieces of intestine had been reattached and blood and oxygen were having a hard time reaching that area. He said this could've been a reoccurrence but that he's hesitant to disturb my intestines with invasive tests if he doesn't have to. So basically I'm better. My gut, no pun, is telling me to remain careful with my diet. Thank you for all of your helpful info.

May 04, 2023 4:43 pm
Reply to eefyjig

I am glad to hear that it is mild, that is a good thing. How long have you been taking the Protonix? And I am really sorry about the blood on the bag, that is scary. I am glad there isn't blood anymore. Did he say anything else about it? Like watch and see if it continues?

May 04, 2023 7:34 pm
Reply to Beth22

I've been on Pantoprazole for about two months and am currently weaning off. Yes, blood in the bag is alarming. When it happened four years ago, I ignored it for about a month - I literally pretended it wasn't happening, danced to live music on a Thursday night and was hauled off to a hospital from Urgent Care by ambulance the next morning. Denial is a strong thing. At this point, my gastro said to call him immediately if it happens again, he'll squeeze me in right away.

May 04, 2023 10:39 pm
Reply to eefyjig

I am glad he said that.. Yeah, it's no joke what we deal with each day and when something isn't right, it needs to be taken care of. So yes, please go if it happens again.. I had a major issue myself.. I called him when it started going south and saw him. I just had to have emergency surgery 2 weeks ago. I had an abscess and it was coming out the base of my stoma. I went to see my doc right away and went straight from his office to the hospital and into surgery. I had to have a midline incision.

May 04, 2023 10:44 pm
Reply to Beth22

Oh my, that's just two weeks ago! I hope you're healing well.

May 05, 2023 1:17 am
Reply to eefyjig

Not too bad... my midline incision has pus coming out, so part of it has to be opened back up today in my doctor's office, and he squeezed more out. But I'm still chugging along, staying strong by the good Lord's strength.