Preparing for Ileostomy Surgery: What Should I Pack?

Jun 03, 2023 3:35 am

I'm having a permanent ileostomy on June 16. I'm a long-time inflammatory bowel disease patient. My surgery is being done at a hospital which is not in my hometown. What should I take with me for post-surgery... in the hospital and for about a week staying in an Airbnb before heading home?

Jun 03, 2023 3:59 am

Comfortable clothing, slip-on shoes, and flushable wet wipes to clean the end of your bag. Then, just normal stuff.

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Jun 03, 2023 4:03 am

Why are you staying in an Airbnb? I would say you will want to be in your own home, in your own bed, in your own bathroom to figure stuff out. It ain't gonna be no vacation. #justsaying... I have had 6 surgeries.

Jun 03, 2023 4:32 am

How far away from home are you and isn't there someone to get you back home? Get hold of the Stoma Nurse at the hospital you're going to and also the Stoma nurse in your hometown, and they will tell you what you need and supply you with all the ostomy products you will need. Good luck and keep us up to date. Regards, IGGIE

ron in mich
Jun 03, 2023 11:21 am

Hi Deborah, welcome to the site and good luck with the surgery and recovery. I would request some samples from the major ostomy product makers. I don't know what BNB provides, but bring easy-to-digest foods like yogurt. Also, hydration drinks like Gatorade.

Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister
Jun 03, 2023 1:57 pm

Welcome to the site. You've got this. Remember education is key on this new journey of yours. I suggest you check out UOAA, United Ostomy Association of America. It's our national organization. Also, There, you will learn about foods, blockages, skin care, clothing, ostomy products, travel, activities, and a whole host of other tricks of the trade. You might also want to check out a local support group near you. Just remember you are not alone on this new journey of yours. Best of luck.

Jun 03, 2023 7:57 pm

I don't know how things are in the States, but here in Canada, you are sent home post-surgery with tons of products. They supplied me with enough pouches to last me a couple of months at least, as well as all the other essentials, scissors, mirror, stoma powder and skin prep, barrier rings, the works. They even gave me a couple of different brands of pouches so I could compare. I was given a couple of lessons on changing my pouch and did my own first change at the hospital with the ostomy nurse there in case I needed help. Maybe you can make some inquiries before you go, so you know what to expect? Good luck and keep in touch after you are home. We are all here to help and you will have lots of questions in the early days.


Jun 04, 2023 12:58 am

Hi, will you have anyone staying with you once you leave the hospital since you'll be somewhere unfamiliar?

In the hospital: headphones, laptop/iPad, Kindle/book, glasses (if you need them), robe, slippers/crocs/sandals. How long are you going to be in the hospital? Because this list could definitely be longer or shorter.

Does the Airbnb supply extra towels and sheets? I would have chux pads to put on top of the fitted sheet. Disinfectant wipes. Lots of paper towels. Get a pack of inexpensive washcloths at Walmart or someplace similar in gray, black, or brown. Dial soap. Peri bottle (see if a nurse will get you one if you like to use to rinse out your ostomy bag). Make sure the hospital gives you the bags to dispose of whatever ostomy bags they send you to the Airbnb/home with. Water bottles with electrolytes. Food that fits whatever diet you are sent to Airbnb on. I'll come back and as more helpful/maybe helpful ideas pop in my head.

Oh, if you'll be around Cleveland, let me know if I can be of any help.

Dec 15, 2023 3:39 pm

This is an interesting post. I would really like surgery at Cleveland Clinic because I am a high-risk patient but live in MA, and they told me it would be a year (two or three surgeries) because they have to build me up, temp colostomy, then a permanent colostomy. I wonder how people do it, especially if they are alone and do not have family to go with them. A year is a long time. After that, what do you do if you have surgery in a place far away? Do you travel back once, twice a year for checkups?