Distinct - stomas

Nov 14, 2023 7:26 am


Some may believe that stomas stink
but every stoma is distinct
and every one is different
so, smell’s an unsound referent.

Sometimes some stomas smell a lot
especially when they discharge grot,
its then the bag might need a tweak
or the bag might spring a leak

This doesn’t happen all the time
as mostly all the grot and grime
stays safely in the bag  until
down the toilet it will swill.

I’ve had my stoma quite a while
and if I think it stinks, I smile 
recalling all those incidents
when I had gross incontinence.

This puts things into perspective
as I take a retrospective
look at both conditions where
it’s possible the smells are there.

There’s little doubt within my mind
the stoma is the one I find
is much less likely to be found
to spread unwelcome smells around.

My stoma manages the smell 
and, as far as I can tell 
the bags have helped that way as well
as that’s what filters in them quell.

My stoma has some attributes
that I feel greatly contributes 
to a good quality of life 
that replaced lots of grief and strife. 
For me, a stoma is distinct
precisely 'cos it doesn’t stink!

                                                B.Withers 2023

Nov 14, 2023 11:48 am

These verses read into the stomach of my mind,

And mixed there with the others of its kind,

When broken down and well compacted,

It gets passed down to have juice extracted,

I feel quite pleased that I'm at home,

With time enough to digest your poem


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