Hi friends. My surgery went well! I came home on Wednesday night.
So… my pants were a bit snug that I went home in and when I was sitting I didn't notice that the waistband was directly over my stoma. The wax ring got malformed and started smushing out between the wafer and stoma. I have some what looks like sticky wax on the top side of the bag and it looks like it's sticking to the stoma and wax ring on the bottom part of the plastic. I've also noticed the bag like suctioning to my stoma and when this has happened, I have very little output. I am wondering if this has happened to anyone else and if I should just go ahead and change the bag. The HH nurse said it was fine and I should just wait to change. I'm a bit worried as I know my stoma isn't like a geyser, and don't know if it's preventing stool from passing.
Attached a pic.
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Urinary tract infections can still occur after urostomy surgery.
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Learn about some basic diet and ostomy pouch routines that can help prevent them.
Before making the trip from your hospital bed to your home, it's important to review some essential care tips and precautions with your stoma care nurse.
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Follow our 9-point hospital discharge checklist.