Can I Turn a Clip Bag into a Velcro Bag?

Jan 03, 2024 4:41 pm

The rehab gave me the Velcro bags from Hollister, and when I came home, the insurance gave me the old-fashioned cheap bags with the clip. I have limited hand movement in one hand, and the Velcro works for me. My surgeon is already talking to the insurance to pay for the expensive bags. Has anybody tried to get from the craft store? Do you think I could turn a clip bag into a Velcro bag?

Jan 03, 2024 4:52 pm

No, no way craft store Velcro would seal/hold up to sticking to your bag. Just have your doctor rewrite the prescription with the exact model number of the bag you want along with whatever accessories you need also. And if your prescription is a 30-day or 90-day prescription, you may have to wait to get the Velcro ones on your next prescription order. You could always buy some on your own or ask on here or through a local ostomy organization to get a few to last till your new prescription arrives.

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Jan 03, 2024 9:41 pm

Well... if it didn't work... you'd find out in a crappy way.

Mysterious Mose
Jan 03, 2024 9:50 pm

Do you have a local ostomy support group? If you do and if it is like the one I attend, they have lots of samples. Perhaps they can help tide you over until you can get the insurance straightened out. What insurance do you have that requires you to have crappy equipment?


Jan 03, 2024 10:28 pm

My most successful equipment to date (3+ years) has been the crappy bag (clear, crackly with a clamp of ginormous power to stop that shiz from leakage). I have tried others and I do love the Velcro out spout and I can see your need to need that system. I have tried 2 different Velcro spouts and pressed to secure the Velcro; they both leaked on each side (a very tiny space) of the Velcro. So far, as much as I dislike the clamp, I would double dog dare ya that leakage is worse. No do-it-yourself Velcro could possibly stand up to the pressure. Just my personal tip and failed experiences. I wrote about the Velcro bags a while back on this site. 💩🫣


How to Manage Emotions with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister
Jan 03, 2024 11:37 pm
Reply to Justbreathe

I've used Velcro-closed Hollister bags from the start. I've never had an issue with them not sealing up. Now, I've read on here that people had a problem, but then they have said it was their fault because they didn't press them together enough. My ostomy nurse showed me the clipped bags, and I hated them from the start. 🤷‍♂️

Jan 03, 2024 11:40 pm

Only you know whether you 'can'.

You need no permission to try.

Jan 04, 2024 1:11 am
Reply to AlexT

Yep, I see many who use with no issue - I gave that Velcro a super pressing as was stated on here and per instructions - the problem was not the Velcro but the very tiny area next to it where there is no Velcro at all - (ileostomates tend to have liquid output) and that is where the breach occurred - small leak but any leak is unacceptable in my ostomy world… pass the clamp please… over and out… jb

Jan 04, 2024 5:05 am

Industrial Velcro will hold that tail closed. But fingers, if arthritic, will be tough tearing it apart to drain.

3M brand will work, no cheap stuff from the food store.

I'm sure you have protective sheets or bed liners as we all do.

Jan 04, 2024 5:13 am
Reply to Justbreathe

Never had bag leaks from the Velcro... nope... dry as cotton... however... the barrier seal is my issue where it leaks.

Luckily those C-type elastic strips hold the blow, buying time... Godsend.

I did see a thread stating some bags had tiny holes in them. I forgot who posted it recently... dunno if this has anything to do with that. Defective bags? Gives new meaning to "holy shitz."

Jan 05, 2024 12:35 pm

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G-Day JVM, I just had a thought. If you remove the clip and fold the bag over, you can hold it together with my invention, the IGGIE Clip. See photos. Give it a go and let me know how you went. I glued a magnet onto the clip to hold it together after you close it. Regards, IGGIE
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Jan 05, 2024 12:58 pm
Reply to warrior

You are correct about industrial-type Velcro - the problem is getting each piece of that Velcro to stick to the bag… short of stitching it on with a sewing machine, it will not hold to the bag - as a used car salesman would say, “I guarantee it!” 🤪. JB

Jan 05, 2024 2:51 pm

I've been using the idea that Iggie suggested for more than a year. I don't use the magnet and haven't had any problems with it. It works great.

Jan 05, 2024 3:05 pm

You could also try 2 IGGIE clips. One on each side of the closure. Also, try doing 2 roll-ups of the bag drain, then putting on clips.

It is hard to push the Velcro together, especially with sensitive/weakened fingers. I bought a small, handheld roller. I put the new bag Velcro together, lay it on my sink, then run the roller over it while pushing down. Seals evenly.

After emptying a bag, I hold the bag's end upward, squeeze remaining output in the Velcro seal area back down into the bag. If output remains in that area, Velcro is hard to seal because output makes the sealing surfaces squishy, not firm. Once the sealing area is fairly clean of output, I fold up the Velcro seal, lightly press it together. Put the bag end on the sink or other flat surface, and use the roller to firmly seal the Velcro. Roll up once, put on the IGGIE clip.

Jan 05, 2024 5:40 pm
Reply to Beachboy

Huh? You push output back down? I rinse my bag out and then wipe down into the bag a finger's length so there is nothing when I fold the bag's end up. Except for a little bit of moisture that's left when I rinse it out, my bag is pretty much completely clean. I press the Velcro from the middle out and you can hear/feel it click as it seals.

Jan 05, 2024 8:17 pm
Reply to IGGIE

Sorry I haven't been responding to a lot of these. I've just been feeling down, but I'm reading everything. I actually do use one of those clips as extra safety on the Velcro, sometimes especially at night. Thank you all for all of your responses. For right now, I have enough bags with the Velcro that I wanted to know what to do with the ones that didn't have the Velcro. Thank you, everybody, for your opinions.

Jan 05, 2024 8:50 pm
Reply to AlexT

I just empty it. There is a little residue left. That's what I clear from the sealing area. At work, I don't have the ability to rinse the bag. And I'm not going to pop on a new bag each time.

Mysterious Mose
Jan 05, 2024 9:02 pm
Reply to Beachboy

It is my understanding you work in an office. You don't have tap water at work or a place to keep a water bottle?


Jan 05, 2024 10:26 pm
Reply to Beachboy

Like Mysterious said, a simple water bottle at your desk and a bathroom. 🤷‍♂️ I always have water with me to rinse or an empty water bottle to fill in a bathroom along with biodegradable wet wipes. The only issue I've ever had is emptying when I'm duck hunting and the water and wet wipes freeze. 🥶 It makes it comical, especially with frozen chest waders on, to try and get down. 😁

Jan 06, 2024 1:20 am

Don't work in an office. Usually toil away my fading life in a clean room Hibay wearing a full "bunny suit" and ESD attachments. Finding an open bathroom stall is always a challenge. Bathroom? Should be re-christened "The Library" or cell phone lounge. Beeps, boops, and clicks emanate from each little cubicle, with an occasional burst of music. Thus, I must hunt somewhere else to empty the bag. I work at a huge facility. Dozens of Hibays, offices, engineering, and manufacturing buildings. Takes time to walk to them, badge myself in, and start another round of toilet roulette.

Jan 06, 2024 12:47 pm
Reply to Beachboy

Your tolerance is amazing - I mean having to withdraw because others are occupying cubicles you could use for your loo management:

This coupled with the realization that others simply have no real understanding of what makes the work go round - [other than their own]!

Personally there would be a certain 'containment-of-self' required for me in those circumstances - because they would iterate for me the feeling of 'difference' and because of the need to take a longer route to 'do my looing' a weakness is emphasized and so much active positive self-motivation - particularly if/when timely address is required!


Clearly BB you have a special character and resilient nature - which is evident with your own med/life bio.

I feel somehow you are demonstrably a lesson for us all - I mean you have that asset of 'allowing the wind to blow through you' - as the Chinese may say .... and perhaps that is your saving grace - all water off a duck's back - and you keep paddling and enjoying the stream.

  • Hats off -
  • :-)


I sometimes feel there are few like us - For at times I have to work so hard to keep the 'up-curve'

But then, my understanding is replaced with a quiet 'knowing' - that everybody here finds their way through!



for a lovely day

Jan 12, 2024 11:15 am

I use clips with my Convatec, and to tell you the truth, I trust the clip. It's much cleaner. I've tried Velcro bags, and they leaked at the bag opening. Could have been defective, but then again, poo will always get on that Velcro at one point. At least with the clip, it's secured as long as you clip it right. Also, you can wash off the clip with soap and water after emptying if you're close enough to the sink.

Jan 20, 2024 5:44 pm
Reply to IGGIE

I used a clip and it solved all the problems. No surprises.

Jan 27, 2024 12:06 pm
Reply to R1Kirby


Feb 09, 2024 5:52 pm

If anyone here wants my bags with the clip and the barrier/base parts, message me, and if you are in the US, I will send them free. They are brand Securi-T USA Ref 7238214 for both base plate and bags; they have the same number. Each bag box holds 10 bags, and each base plate box holds five of them. I believe I have about 60 bags and 30 base plates. Again, all free as I was told I can't return them. I have enough Hollister from eBay for some months until I can get this mess with the insurance sorted out. I would rather donate them than waste them. They are definitely for people with an ostomy with light output, not people like me who have an ileostomy with a lot of output. I would say it's more for a colostomy, these bags. Again, with very little output. Whoever responds first will get them. If no one responds from here within a week, I can donate them to the office of my doctor, and I will remove this comment.