Managing Fiber Intake with an Ileostomy - Seeking Advice

Jan 28, 2024 6:45 pm

I am 15 years out since surgery. I have an ileostomy. Lately, I am having trouble with, I think, fiber. I try to limit it, but I am eating a new bread which has 3 g per slice. How much fiber is too much at one sitting? Unfortunately, I can no longer have pineapple, dried fruits, or certain combos together. What's your experience? Thanks!

Jan 28, 2024 7:14 pm

Hi Clayla, sorry you're having this symptom now. Are you having pain? Blockages? I've had my ileostomy since 2015 and ate everything just fine until I started having pain about three years ago. The only diagnosis I was given was mild gastritis, which certainly did not seem to match my pain level. Out of desperation, after eliminating dairy and gluten did nothing, I cut out vegetables thinking it may be the fiber. My pain is reduced significantly. Weirdly, I can eat tons of popcorn and be fine. Maybe it's the type of fiber?

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Jan 29, 2024 12:05 am

I have to be careful of eating too much fiber. Just take note of what you have eaten when you're having problems.

Jan 29, 2024 11:28 am

If all has been well for 15 years, then it's got to be something new. Looks like the new bread. Stop and see how you go. Regards, IGGIE