Suggestions for Medical Adhesives for Flanges?

Mar 13, 2024 6:10 pm

Someone suggested Adapt 7730, apparently hard to find, but I am doing a search. Any other ideas (this is for a flange)? I sometimes waste a brand new flange after a doctor or hospital appointment. Thank you all!

Mar 13, 2024 7:20 pm

After the withdrawal of Adapt 7730, I tried all sorts of alternative adhesives. Then, it occurred to me that a stoma pouch is in fact a prosthetic.

I then tried a few prosthetic adhesives and the best of these for my purposes was one called 'Probond'.
However, all the others worked quite well but they each had irritating aspects such as: Those that were 'white' in colour tended to leave a lot of residue which was much harder to remove than the clear versions. 
I also found that the Probond prosthetic adhesive came with a small application brush, which turned out to be much better than the 7730 spray inasmuch as I had/have much more control on where it lands.
 I have recently had a discussion with my stoma nurse, who was dubious about any adhesives other than those specifically for stomas. However, I think she has fallen fort the manufacturer's advertising hype, because the prosthetic glue has been researched and developed for sticking to all types of sensitive skin. and I have now been using it for 12 months without any problems at all. 
I would highly recommend it  as a replacement for 7730.
Best wishes


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Mar 13, 2024 10:49 pm

Not sure what your application is, but I have been using Hypafix to tape down the edges of my barrier for 10 years. My biggest complaint as a new ostomate was peeling of the edges of my wafer (I use a two-piece from Coloplast, Sensura Mio). When I would sweat or work out, the barrier would begin peeling nearly instantly. Since using Hypafix, I get 5-7 days between appliances. I get a 10 yd roll from Amazon for about $6 that lasts two years.

Mar 14, 2024 9:51 am

Ten Aces Med (medical adhesive spray) has a replacement that works as well as 7730.


Mar 19, 2024 3:09 pm

I use a product called Skin Tac… absolutely terrific as long as you don't have to change the appliance often… it really keeps things on for a while.


Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Mar 20, 2024 6:48 am
Reply to Ravna666

I've used "Skin Tac" and it does make your skin tacky. I keep a bottle around.


Aug 19, 2024 2:02 pm
Reply to aTraveler

Ten Aces Spray is carried by Medical Monks :)
It is the identical formulation as the discontinued 7730