Cornmeal and Ileostomy - Why Doesn't It Digest?

Mar 29, 2024 8:13 pm

Ok, so I know for ileostomates, corn is not generally advised, nor is popcorn. But I never really considered cornmeal. There is a light dusting of cornmeal on the bottom of my English muffins, and it comes out in my bag. All little tiny dots of it. It makes an interesting pattern. So, what is up with that? Does cornmeal not digest because it is a corn product, or is my ostomy just unusually talented in finding things in my food and spitting them out? I think it is just weird.

Mar 29, 2024 8:57 pm

No clue, Ms. Lee, but I eat grits with no issues or leftovers.

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Morning glory
Mar 29, 2024 10:43 pm

I eat grits and cornbread without any problems.

Mar 29, 2024 10:47 pm

I was going to get Pop Chips (I think they are called that) today. Someone on here recommended them, but I am so afraid of anything corn blocking me up.

Mysterious Mose
Mar 29, 2024 11:19 pm

If your cornmeal is whole grain or stone ground, that may account for the bits. If the cornmeal has been milled to where the hull and germ have been removed, there shouldn't be any residue, I would think.



How to Manage Emotions with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Mar 29, 2024 11:59 pm
Reply to Mysterious Mose

I don't know how the cornmeal was done, I just know my mom said it was cornmeal on the bottom of my English muffin. I guess it must be stone ground if it is coming out. I don't really know. My mom said we can try to find some English muffins that don't have that on the bottom of it. So I guess I will just not get this brand anymore.

Mar 30, 2024 12:00 am
Reply to JVM261

I never heard of Pop Chips, but if it is a corn product and you have an ileostomy, I would go slow with it and maybe try a very small amount and see how it goes.

Mar 30, 2024 1:46 am

I cannot be accurate as regards cornmeal dust, grit, stone-ground, or otherwise... but what I do know is that when homemade pizza dough is made and then pulled and pizzas formed, a dusting of cornmeal is useful for no dough ever sticks to the bottom of the pizza oven outside, and flexibility with the paddle when cooking is assured. Also, a nice taste complements the carbon of a real wood-fired outdoor oven, adding an extra dimension to the special taste when leaving the oven floor and landing on the plate. Yum!

[And all from one who does not really like shop-bought pizza... but since building the oven outside, one can construct one's own toppings and satisfy a wide variety of tastes for everyone who comes to participate and eat!

First firing will be when the warmer days of May are with us, having cleaned it out and oak-fired it to sterilize and thoroughly dry and have it ready for high temperatures. If you have been debating whether it is worth building a pizza oven, the answer is emphatically YES!


Cornmeal is the secret ingredient to successful pizzas! Never had one stick!


"A toast to warmer days, hot nights, and food outside to accompany our vines and apples... but that's a whole different story. [Apple day for pressing and cider making goes on the other side of the hill, and our own grapes have ripened since we have had higher temperatures! [Although they could still benefit from being under glass!

Waves from the Hills

Mid Wales


Mar 30, 2024 6:54 am

Hi Infinity,

Corn, in all its forms, is hard to digest, even for non-ostomates. And that's because corn is primarily made of cellulose, and cellulose is an insoluble fiber. As such, it requires specific enzymes to break it down that our bodies just don't have. So if those little bits in your bag bother you, just take two muffins and rub their bottoms together to get most of it off. It won't change the taste but will pretty up your bag.


Mar 30, 2024 8:48 am
Reply to kittybou

Hiya Kitty

Can I ask what in the world is grit 🤔? We call tiny dirt chippings on the road/floor grit xx

Mar 30, 2024 9:41 am
Reply to Caz67

Ground Corn

Mar 30, 2024 9:42 am

Cook and eat it like oatmeal.

Past Member
Mar 30, 2024 12:05 pm
Reply to Caz67

It's porridge, Caz (but not as we know it!). Unlike porridge 😋 made with oatmeal with its lovely smooth and creamy texture and taste, grits are made with cornmeal and are not unlike the dirt chippings of which you speak (hence its name)! 😅

Mar 30, 2024 1:57 pm
Reply to Anonymous


Mar 30, 2024 3:19 pm
Reply to Caz67

Hi Caz,

Over on this side of the pond, the word "grit" means anything small and abrasive, like sand or polishing compound. The word "grits" is a food commonly found in the southern US and has the texture of oatmeal put in a blender with some sand, except it is made of corn, not oatmeal. It has a mild corn flavor, since that's what it's made of, but folks usually add things to it for flavor, and it mostly tastes like what was added. I'm sure you could add tiny dirt clippings and road/floor grit to it and some wouldn't know the difference, but most folks add butter, bacon, cheese, scallions, etc. Hope that helps!


Mar 30, 2024 8:49 pm
Reply to infinitycastle52777

Hi Lee, I would think that the important thing here is that the cornmeal is coming out in your pouch and not causing you any problems, right? I eat lots of things that are still identifiable when they come out in my pouch, as the ileum just doesn't break down food well, but as long as it is passing through without causing any discomfort or anything, it doesn't bother me. I'm not sure why you are concerned about the cornmeal.


Mar 30, 2024 9:26 pm
Reply to w30bob

And hot peppers. No dirt and leaves though. Lol

Past Member
Mar 30, 2024 11:32 pm
Reply to w30bob

"Butter, bacon, cheese, scallions"

😋 Now you're talkin', makes it sound somewhat more appetizing. Just add some eggs and remove the grits and I'd eat it!😅

🧈🥓 🧀🍳🍛🍴🍲

Mar 31, 2024 1:20 am
Reply to TerryLT

I am not really concerned so much as curious about it. I thought this cornmeal was so small, how could it come out recognizable? It just caught me off. I see all kinds of things in my bag. I just thought it would make an interesting conversation. And from what I can see, it has!

Mar 31, 2024 1:22 am
Reply to w30bob

Ha, I never thought of rubbing two bottoms of English muffins together to get it off. I think I would feel silly doing that, but I guess it makes sense if I wanted to get the bits off.


Jun 14, 2024 9:43 pm
Reply to infinitycastle52777

I am fairly certain they are called PopCorners. They are amazing and come in a bunch of different flavors. I don't really eat chips unless I am traveling and haven't been traveling since my LAR surgery 3 months ago, but I love them.