I had an ileostomy. I had it reversed and a colostomy moved to the other side of my abdomen. I am getting a white film on my stoma. I've been told it's from friction from the bag, yet nobody seems to tell me how to prevent this from happening. Does anyone know how to stop this? It never happened to my ileostomy, yet I used Coloplast products then and I use Hollister now. I've found the Hollister to be a lot more comfortable. I don't want to make an appointment with an ostomy nurse and feel dumb for not being able to prevent this, and everyone here has been amazingly helpful the past 4 years.

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Urinary tract infections can still occur after urostomy surgery.
Learn about some basic diet and ostomy pouch routines that can help prevent them.
Learn about some basic diet and ostomy pouch routines that can help prevent them.