Filing for Disability with a Colostomy Bag: Approval Experiences?

Sep 17, 2024 1:57 pm

Got a question maybe someone on here can help answer. I had emergency surgery this past May due to diverticulitis, and the doctor took out some of my colon and intestine. I got a colostomy bag now and in the hospital, I asked when I could go back to work. The surgeon said my working days are over (I'm 61 years old). I also have Polycythemia Vera, a type of blood cancer that's incurable. Treatable, but no cure. I've had that since 2005.

The hospital said I should file for disability because of my colostomy and my blood cancer (both are covered for disability).

I've filed, but waiting forever on disability to approve. My question is: Has any members on here filed for disability because of their colostomy bag and got approved?

Sep 17, 2024 2:57 pm


I'm 66, just retired in April of this year.

I've had stage 4 thyroid cancer since 1983 with no cure or treatment.  Endured aggressive chemotherapy, suffered 3 hernia's, 46 radiation treatments for prostate cancer.  In November, 2022....had 12 inches of colon removed and replaced with a permanent colostomy, 4 months later developed a parastomal hernia. 

3 weeks after ostomy surgery, I returned to work full time.  My surgeon mentioned I could get a handicapped license plate.  But, I'm not really handicapped due to the colostomy.  I can walk just fine.  Can't lift much weight, but to me that's not a handicap. 

Everyone is different.  Living with an ostomy is tough.  Was hard for me at first.  Now I'm 18 months post op and used to the little beast.  It's easy to care for.  Most of the time I don't think about it.

Many, many good folks in this country have filed for disability, and there are plenty of lawyers ready to assist.  The system is overwhelmed.  You gotta battle it out to press your claim.  Good luck. 

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Sep 17, 2024 4:05 pm

I think the real answer is up to you about filing.

Do you feel you can go back to work? Do you want to continue working? Are you at retirement age or planning on it in the near future?

Having a bag does not disqualify you from working.

Don't let it sway your thinking if... if you want to return to work.

My experience with disability, as for the time they get back to you, is 6 to 8 weeks minimum. They are overwhelmed and understaffed is the reply.

How do you feel about returning to work?

Sep 17, 2024 8:48 pm

When I applied for disability it took about 6 months to get a reply and then they gave me back pay from the time I applied up till approval. It wasn't for a ostomy though, it was something else.

Sep 17, 2024 11:57 pm
Reply to warrior

The surgeon said I can no longer work. However, I'm recuperating slowly. My problem is the IT field I'm qualified for... no one is hiring but laying off. No one is going to hire a 61-year-old Analyst (I've tried for months with no luck) and the surgeon said no physical activity jobs as it'll aggravate my hernia (that I got around my stoma). And I checked, a colostomy does qualify for disability.


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Sep 18, 2024 12:11 am
Reply to eab3691

What your surgeon says, your career field with no options, etc., isn't what should be making your decision. How you feel and what you want to do is. There are all kinds of jobs to be had. I don't know how much disability pays for regular type jobs, but I'm guessing it's not enough to live off of, and then what are you going to do with all your time?

Sep 18, 2024 1:59 am
Reply to eab3691

My buddy is also in IT and got laid off and is collecting, so I understand what you mean about hiring at this age, or after age 60. I get that.

You can work as Alex mentioned. You have to see which option pays best.

Lots of us work with hernias. Don't let the doctor scare you out of a simple job, but you need to know dollar figures versus sanity issues.

I didn't realize having a colostomy qualifies for disability.

If it matters to you, work; if it pays better disabled, collect.

But don't let that bag be an excuse nor stop you ever.

Find the warrior in you. Do what you need to be done. Take your time thinking all this out. Have a plan.

Sep 18, 2024 2:12 am
Reply to eab3691

Fudge your Dr. It's up to you, kiddo.

Sep 18, 2024 2:36 am

AlexT is correct.  A colostomy with parastomal hernia does not prevent you from working.  Even jobs requiring moderate physical activity can be performed while wearing a hernia support belt.  

  Your career field isn't hiring. So, were you laid off, or unemployed before getting the colostomy?  

I was laid off back in February after 27 years with the company.  No one is gonna hire me... Irrespective of my extensive experience and qualifications. I would never qualify for disability, no matter what my surgeon says.  He's expert in slicing, dicing, and sewing.  Disability... not so much.

Good luck and let us know what transpires.


Sep 18, 2024 12:15 pm

Hi eab, I'm curious as to why your surgeon said your working days are over. Do you have any other medical complications that would indicate that? Because I don't think an ostomy and/or hernia qualify as things that would prevent the average person from working unless they're acrobats or professional surfers. People on here modify all the time in order to do their jobs. People are chiming in with good info here!

Sep 18, 2024 1:32 pm
Reply to eefyjig

She stated she also had an incurable blood cancer disorder. 

Sep 19, 2024 4:10 am

You will probably be more likely to be approved for the cancer diagnosis. It's good that your doctors are on board saying you cannot work. It takes a long time for them to approve it, it seems.

Sep 20, 2024 10:16 pm

It takes a while for disability to process claims and read through all the medical records to support your condition. It's been years since I filed, but then it took 2 years and an administrative law judge to grant me disability. Stick with it.